Due to difficulties in verifying the identifications of both parasitoids and (in some cases) the fruit fly hosts, no attempt has been made to catalogue all natural enemy records; see White and Elson-Harris (1994) for major sources. A study testing the viability of this technique found that sterility was dose independent, meaning that a single ionizing event was enough to render the male sperm sterile. Approximately one third are frugivorous and around 250 are considered economic pests, with 23 of these known to be serious pests in Australia, Oceania and tropical Asia (White and Elson-Harris, 1992; Vijaysegaran, 1997). B. tryoni is larger than a house fly (wing length 4.8-6.3 mm). Tergite 3 dark laterally and basally. B. tryoni is the most serious insect pest of fruit and vegetable crops in Australia, and it infests all commercial fruit crops, other than pineapple (Drew, 1982). White to yellow-brown in colour. Plant Protection Bulletin, FAO, 21(5):114, Bayer RJ, Mabberley DJ, Morton C, Miller CH, Sharma IK, Pfeil BE, Rich S, Hitchcock R, Sykes S, 2009. 135. Most of the data given here are from the host catalogue of Hancock et al. B. tyroni is native to subtropical coastal Queensland and northern New South Wales. [25] The phenotypic marker for the presence of an efficient vector for gene transfer is white eye color. Fruit flies are the kiwifruit industry's most unwanted biosecurity threat. In: IPPC Official Pest Report, Rome, Italy: FAO. As a result, dimethoate was suspended from use. Male B. tyroni respond most greatly to the lure in the morning, likely because this is their peak of foraging time; however, an evolutionary reason for the cue-lure is not fully known. Management of Fruit Flies in the Pacific. Distribution Maps of Pests, Series A (Agricultural), 110. Bactrocera spp. Anepisternal stripe not reaching as far as anterior notopleural seta. 31). B. tyroni prefer to select fruits that have an outer layer that is able to be punctured or has already been lesioned. [2] However, other Bactrocera species have been identified as means of enhancing male competitiveness, or to afford protection from predation.[15]. This indicates that males sterilized via a low dosage of radiation were equally as competitive as males that were not irradiated. However, these chemicals are now banned. A New Zealand view of quarantine security with special reference to fruit flies, In: Vijaysegaran S, Ibrahim AG, eds. The effects of male depletion in a semi-isolated population. For example, for the case of cross wm-3 chromosome 2, a computer program was written to test each of the 2,520 (= 7!/2) possible orders of markers. Damage levels can be anything up to 100% of unprotected fruit. No transverse markings. Comments. This is a simple physical barrier to oviposition but it has to be applied well before the fruit is attacked. The main way that Queensland fruit fly spreads to new areas is by being carried in infested host fruit and vegetables. Maps Points of interest Places. The Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) is a species of fly in the family Tephritidae in the insect order Diptera. Scutum with anterior supra-alar setae and prescutellar acrostichal setae. Seasonal abundance, distribution, hosts and taxonomic placement of Dipterophagus daci Drew & Allwood (Strepsiptera: Dipterophagidae). Abdomen: Predominant colour red-brown. Outbreak area map of Monash (PDF 422.8 KB or PNG 895.1 KB) Outbreak area map of Renmark West (PDF 433.7 KB or PNG 1.1 MB) Market access map (including suspension area) for Riverland (PDF 2.0 MB or PNG 2.2 MB) Quarantine end date. Most released B. tryoni do not disperse far from their point of origin (~45% <100 m; ~95% < 1 km) (Meats and Edgerton, 2008) and this is consistent with the finding that the spread of incipient populations is also limited to ~1 km (Maelzer et al., 2004). Members Moderators Administrators Roles and responsibilities. Bactrocera tryoni (Queensland fruit fly); adult. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier World Crop Pest Series, 241-246, Meats A, Beattie A, Ullah F, Bingham S, 2012. Australian Journal of Entomology. Rome, Italy: FAO. Australian Entomologist. Locations. SGP-02/3. It is a member of subgenus Bactrocera and can therefore sometimes be cited as Bactrocera (Bactrocera) tryoni. by Perez-Staples, D., Diaz-Fleischer, F., Montoya, P., Vera, M. T.]. Posterior spiracles: placed just above midline; each spiracular slit about 3 times as long as broad. EPPO Global database. Hosts. Sved JA, Yu H, Dominiak B, Gilchrist AS (2003): Inferring modes of colonization for pest species using heterozygosity comparisons and a shared-allele test. Many transient incursions, some eradicated, remainder dying out without action, Managed forests, plantations and orchards, Aw - Tropical wet and dry savanna climate, < 60mm precipitation driest month (in winter) and < (100 - [total annual precipitation{mm}/25]), Cf - Warm temperate climate, wet all year, Warm average temp. > 10°C, Cold average temp. Recent work on hot water dipping was reported by Waddell et al. Fruit fly fauna in New Caledonia. (2000; see also CABI/EPPO, 1998, No. • General increase in summer rainfall and decrease in winter rainfall across Australia . Various statutory authorities have estimated economic losses in Australia due to B. tryoni to be between $28.5 million and $100 million per annum (Sutherst et al., 2000). Review of grapes Vitis sp. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 3(B):411-424, Baker RT, Cowley JM, 1991. [12] B. tyroni strongly prefer to oviposit into rotting fruit, although some evidence suggests that they will oviposit into under-ripe fruit as well. Scutum without a medial vitta. Evolution, 54:899-910, Nguyen VL, Meats A, Beattie GAC, Spooner-Hart R, Liu ZM, Jiang L, 2007. Plant Protection Quarterly, 20(4):148-154, Dominiak BC, McLeod LJ, Cagnacci M, 2000. Review of suppression program using three ground release methods of sterile Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) at Wagga Wagga, NSW, in 1996/97. (Wharton, 1989). An outbreak of Queensland fruit fly has been detected in Renmark West following the discovery of larvae in backyard fruit trees. The botany of citrus and its wild relatives of the orange subfamily. In: IPPC Official Pest Report, Rome, Italy: FAO. The absence of Bactrocera tryoni in New Zealand is confirmed. B. tryoni is found throughout the eastern half of Queensland, eastern New South Wales, and the extreme east of Victoria. This product can be made cheaply from brewery waste (Umeh and Garcia, 2008). Biological Control A molecular phylogeny of the orange subfamily (Rutaceae: Aurantioideae) using nine cpDNA sequences. 2nd edn. Map: Port Augusta 5700. Climate change in Australia Source: AEGIC (2016) • Since 2000 change in traditional rainfall zones. Cell br (narrowed part) with extensive covering of microtrichia. Rome, Italy: FAO. (Diptera: Tephritidae). Check the maps to find out if you are in an outbreak or suspension area. IPPC, 2014. Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. Thoracic and abdominal segments: a band of small posteriorly directed spinules encircling anterior portion of each thoracic segment. In: IPPC Official Pest Report, No. [7] Occasionally, there are outbreaks of B. tyroni in southern and western Australia; however, the coastal areas of Australia are relatively isolated from one another due to harsh, dry weather conditions in intervening regions that are unsuitable for B. In: IPPC Official Pest Report, Rome, Italy: FAO. Containment efforts have included irradiating pupae in order to induce sterility. A Short History Explaining a few things. That revised list recorded B. tryoni from 49 families of plants, represented by 234 species. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, IPPC, 2014. The first "Olympic" sterile insects reared in a high-tech factory in South Australia have been released into the wild to help combat Queensland fruit flies. The males of most pest species of Bactrocera are attracted to either cue lure (4-(p-acetoxyphenyl)-2-butanone) or to methyl eugenol (4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene). After the pupal stage is complete, adults emerge from the soil. Bactrocera tryoni is occasionally found in New Zealand but always … The distribution was more pronounced towards the north-east and it may have been linked with strong wind prevailing in that direction. Pest fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in northwestern Australia: one species or two? B. tryoni has a permanent presence in the eastern Australian states as well as the Northern Territory and the north of Western Australia (Meats, 2006; Cameron et al., 2010). by Drew R A I, Hooper G H S, Bateman M A]. The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. Abstract CLIMEX is used to analyse the potential distribution of the Queensland fruit fly in relation to long-term average meteorological data. II. The vulnerability of Australian horticulture to the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) tryoni, under climate change. [2] All of these flies are sympatric, meaning that they inhabit the same territory, except B. aquilonas, which inhabits a different geographical area in northwest Australia. [2] There is some evidence suggesting that the bacteria and flies co-evolved,[13] but other data suggest that this symbiosis does not occur as the presence of protein-providing bacteria is not consistent throughout B. tyroni populations. III. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Queensland-Fruit-Fly-Backyard-Management-GuideV2-1.pdf Queensland-Fruit-Fly-Host-Plant-List-V2-12.3.15.pdf Commercial-Qfly-Management-Guide_Galvin-and-Creek-2015-1.pdf Drew, G. H. S. Hooper and M. A. Bateman. Many countries that are free of Bactrocera spp., such as the USA (California and Florida) and New Zealand, maintain a grid of methyl eugenol and cue lure traps, at least in high risk areas (ports and airports) if not around the entire climatically suitable area. Losses caused by fruit flies (Diptera : Tephritidae) in seven Pacific Island countries. A good example and case study is given by Lloyd et al. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 122(3):215-221. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/eea, Osborne R, Meats A, Frommer M, Sved JA, Drew RAI, Robson MK, 1997. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 44(1):109-126, Meats A, 1989. New South Wales Department of Agriculture, Sydney, Australia, Gibbs GW, 1967. Pest free status of Ceratitis capitata and Bactrocera tryoni in Singapore. Oriental fruit fly is a serious pest worldwide. Dorsal and ventral spiracular hair bundles of 12-17, broad, stout, often branched hairs; lateral bundles of 5-9 similar hairs. It is also adventive in French Polynesia (Austral and Society Islands) and New Caledonia and has twice been adventive in Easter Island, but eradicated (Bateman, 1982). A Regional Symposium, Nadi, Fiji. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, IIE, 1991. Distribution map Project boundary. Following oviposition there may be some necrosis around the puncture mark In: EPPO Global database, Paris, France: EPPO. White to yellow-white in colour.Third instar larva Berkeley, California, USA: University of California, 190-430, Umeh VC, Garcia LE, 2008. Male tergite 3 with a pecten (setal comb) on each side. It is not known exactly when it spread to the Middle East, but there is a record from Saudi Arabia dated 1982, and more recently it has been … In: Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region, [ed. These hatch within 2-3 days and the larvae feed for another 10-31 days. Maps showing Queensland fruit fly outbreak and suspension areas. Notopleuron with anterior seta. Yellow marking on both anatergite and katatergite. Allwood A J, Drew R A I, 1996. Bactrocera (Bactrocera) tryoni (Froggatt), Highly adaptable to different environments, Capable of securing and ingesting a wide range of food, Negatively impacts trade/international relations, Highly likely to be transported internationally accidentally. Control; classical biological control of fruit-infesting Tephritidae, In: Robinson AS, Hooper G, eds. These two species mate at different times of day (B. tryoni at dusk; B. neohumeralis ~ 10 AM–4 PM. IPPC Official Pest Report, No. Australian Journal of Zoology, 15(6):1123-1139 pp, Gilchrist AS, Ling AE, 2006. [8] Therefore, other regions of Australia typically remain free of this pest as long as infected fruit is not transported between regions. Provides a range of information on southern bluefin tuna research. A 15-kilometre suspension area has been established around the detection point and quarantine restrictions apply either partially or entirely in the following areas – Berri, Calperum Station, Chaffey, Cooltong, Crescent, Gurra, Gurra, Lyrup, Monash, Mundic Creek, … Published by, This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 04:57. So what do Queensland fruit flies look like? It displays highly seasonal population dynamics, and the environmental conditions suitable for its abundance are not constant throughout the year in most places. Behavioural responses of female Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, to mineral oil deposits. In 1989 it became established in the Perth area of Western Australia and it was declared eradicated by 1991. It has the potential to spread to many places around the world because of its wide climatic and host range (Meats 1989b; Sutherst et al., 2000) and a tendency to be carried by human travellers at the larval stage inside infested fruit. Fruit Flies: Biology, natural enemies and control, 3B:241-252, Meats A, 1989. Distribution Western hemisphere – Absent Africa –Absent Oceania –Australia (New South Wales and Queensland), French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Pacific Islands and Vanuatu. What is Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) • Estimation of potential geographical ranges of a species … tyroni. Fruit Flies of Economic Significance. Ecological studies of eastern Australian fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in their endemic habitat. Biology, natural enemies and control, 3A. World Crop Pests. Scutellum entirely yellow (except for narrow basal band). CLIMEX was used to indicate that the distribution was not … B. tryoni is separated from most of the other pest species by the coloured cells bc and c (i.e. B. tyroni lay their eggs in fruit. Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press. Oecologia, 69:101-109, Fletcher BS, 1987. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA), 1986(28):1-18. Look for rots in fruits; look for exist holes before searching for the yellow maggots. Species. Fifty years of fruit fly eradication in South Australia. Bateman et al. Close genetic similarity between twosympatric species of tephritid fruit fly reproductively isolated by mating time. This was neutralised by sodium hydroxide yielding a concentrate with a salt content of up to 50%. See also CABI/EPPO (1998, No. CABIKEY to the Dacini (Diptera, Tephritidae) of the Asian, Pacific and Australasian Regions. There are differences among fruit fly species and further studies are required to determine dispersal distances for individual species. III.- Fruit flies. Scutellum without basal setae. Distribution maps of quarantine pests for Europe (edited by Smith IM, Charles LMF). There are fears an outbreak of Queensland fruit fly in South Australia could be devastating for the horticulture industry, with some growers unable to move stone fruit during their harvest period. The control of tephritid fruit flies is practised in two ways. Distribution map Project boundary. The wingspan of B. tyroni ranges from 4.8-6.3 mm. Bulletin of Entomological Research. QFF has the potential to infest a wide range of horticultural crops, garden plants, native plants and weeds. The Bendigo region has also experienced increased urban QFF pressure and occasional outbreaks have occurred in the inner Melbourne area. Tergites not fused. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 303-313, White IM, Elson-Harris MM, 1994. © Copyright 2021 CAB International. The trap used will usually be modelled on the Steiner trap (White and Elson-Harris, 1994) or Lynfield (pot) trap (Cowley et al., 1990).Field Monitoring ACIAR Proceedings, 76: 68-76. After 14 days of intensive surveillance and fruit monitoring, no further Queensland fruit flies have been detected. by Vreysen, M. J. B.\Robinson, A. S.\Hendrichs, J.]. Cell c with extensive covering of microtrichia. Calophyllum inophyllum (Alexandrian laurel), Diospyros virginiana (persimmon (common)), Eremocitrus glauca (Australian desert lime), Olea europaea subsp. The Medfly distribution … Queensland fruit fly spreads from infested plants to nearby fruit and vegetables, and by people sharing or travelling with home grown fruit or vegetables. [20] Neither the effectiveness of this technique, nor the scientific underpinnings of what protein exactly attracts B. tyroni to the spray, are well investigated. However, as far as fruit flies are concerned an unequivocal answer to the question - whether there is an impact of a pest species on other species in a district - should be assessed only by experiment or by incubating field-sampled fruit individually in order to rear out and identify surviving adult insects (see for example Gibbs, 1967; Fitt, 1986). White I M, Elson-Harris M M, 1994. (2014).]. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers, 209-219, Foote RH, Blanc FL, Norrbom AL, 1993. [25] Development of a genetically engineered B. tyroni strain that is compatible with gene transfer was successful; however, scientists have yet to develop a sterile strain that can be released into the wild. In: Robinson AS, Hooper G, eds. Economic Fruit Flies of the South Pacific Region. However, it occurs sympatrically with B. neohumeralis, which also has that feature but from which it differs in having yellow postpronotal (=humeral) lobes. NZL-04/2. [11] The presence of other female flies in pre- or post- oviposition on a piece of fruit was found to have no bearing on another female's likeliness to land on the fruit; however, female flies were more likely to bore into a piece of fruit that other female flies were currently ovipositing into, therefore increasing the density of larvae within a single piece of fruit. One study predicted that farm damage due to Queensland fruit flies will increase by $3.1, $4.7, and $12.0 million with temperature increases of 0.5, 1 and 2 °C, respectively. Fauna of fruit flies in the Cook Islands and French Polynesia. Oecologia, 64(2):267-272, EPPO, 2014. Adults occur throughout the year in 4-5 overlapping generations and overwinter as adults; up to 70 individuals have been recorded as developing from a single infested fruit (Christenson and Foote, 1960). 23 (2), 61-72. Bangkok, Thailand: Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific region (RAPA), Armstrong JW, Couey HM, 1989. Adult flies, however, rely on leaf surface bacteria as a major source of protein. The maggot chews its way out of the remaining fruit and enters the soil, where it enters the pupal stage of development. Queensland Fruit Fly was found in metropolitan Melbourne in January 2008. Crop Protection, 36:1-6. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02612194, Meats A, Edgerton JE, 2008. https://www.ippc.int/en/, IPPC, 2020. [18] This can include semiochemical lures such as pheromones, food attractants, host mimics, or color attractants. A behavioural strategy for protecting small tomato plots from tephritid fruit flies. Fruit Flies; their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. IIE, 1991. Blumea, 49(2/3):481-498, Madge P, Mobbs P, Bailey P, Perepelicia N, 1997. ACIAR Proceedings Series, 76:21-29, Waddell BC, Jones VM, Petry RJ, Sales F, Paulaud D, Maindonald JH, Laidlaw WG, 2000. In: Fruit Flies; their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Yu H, Frommer M, Robson MK, Meats AW, Shearman DCA, Sved JA … The flexible amount of time needed for pupal development has resulted in B. tyroni relative adaptiveness to different environments. Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (=Dacus tryoni (Froggatt)), Diptera: Tephritidae, Queensland fruit-fly. (2010). Australian Journal of Entomology, 50(4):445-452. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1440-6055, Sutherst RW, Collyer BS, Yonow T, 2000. [1] While the coding regions are mostly completely sequenced, about one-third of the genome appears to consist of highly repetitive sequences. In: Trapping and the detection, control, and regulation of Tephritid fruit flies: lures, aarea-wide programs, and trade implications [ed. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland Department of Primary Industries. Isolated population of Bactrocera tryoni. The high risk period for fruit flies is September to June. Up to 40 larvae can be reared from a single piece of fruit. Tergite 4 dark laterally. [9], Farmers in effected regions are encouraged to use a lure and kill tactic to combat the presence of B. The larvae then hatch and proceed to consume the fruit, causing the fruit to decay and drop prematurely. A Short History Explaining a few things. DISTRIBUTION AN INDUSTRY PROTECTION PARTNERSHIP … 54-56. Pest fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in northwestern Australia: one species or two? [2] At low densities of B. tyroni, lure and kill tactics are most effective as a mechanism to monitor the frequency of B. tyroni; at high densities, they effectively combat the pest via population reduction. B. tryoni was originally described as Tephritis tryoni by Froggatt in 1897 and two little-used synonyms are attributable to Tryon. Technical Document No. For further information on trapping Bactrocera species to monitor movement, see Weldon et al. B. tryoni has never been found in Tasmania. There are about 4,500 species of tephritid flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). https://www.ippc.int/en/, IPPC, 2015a. The biology of dacine fruit flies. [2] These are called sibling species. More information about modern web browsers can be found at http://browsehappy.com/. Distribution Maps of Pests, Series A (Agricultural), 110. For example, in New Zealand Baker and Cowley (1991) recorded 7-33 interceptions of fruit flies per year in cargo and 10-28 per year in passenger baggage. 31) but the evidence and analysis provided by Cameron et al. The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) is one of the world's most economically damaging pests. Females often oviposit in punctures made by other fruit flies, such as the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata), which results in many eggs occurring in a single cavity. Chemical methods for suppression or eradication of fruit fly populations, In: Drew RAI, Hooper GHS, Bateman MA eds. An isolated catch of B. tryoni in a cue lure baited trap in California (Foote et al., 1993) probably had an origin of this sort. Situation. There is no genetic evidence that the two species hybridize (Gilchrist and Ling, 2006). by Shine, C. \Reaser, J. K. \Gutierrez, A. T.]. B. tyroni has three sibling species: B. neohumeralis, B. aquilonis, and B. The geographical distribution of the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera (Dacus) tryoni, in relation to climate. NZL-04/2, Rome, Italy: FAO. Paris, France: European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. [17] Two of the most common lure and kill approaches for B. tyroni are the male annihilation technique (MAT) and the protein-bait spray (PBS). The comparative ecology of two closely related sympatric species of Dacus (Díptera) in Queensland. The roles of adult and larval specialisations in limiting the occurrence of five species of Dacus (Diptera: Tephritidae) in cultivated fruits. [22] When combined with insecticides, artificially developed cue lures may be an effective elimination method of sexually mature males. Australian Plants, 21(166):52-55, Mabberley DJ, 2004. A few males have been trapped in Papua New Guinea but it is unlikely to be established there (Drew, 1989). 11-53. https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/25459. These larvae, or maggots, eat toward the center of the fruit with their cutting jaws, causing it to rot. The Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) is a species of fly in the family Tephritidae in the insect order Diptera. ACIAR Proceedings], 76 [ed. Detection & Inspection. Species. Australian Journal of Zoology, 35(3):283-288, Drew RAI, 1989. Other major wild hosts are Annona atemoya, Terminalia aridicola, T. muelleri, T. platyphylla, T. sericocarpa, T. subacroptera, Syzgium suborbiculare, S. tierneyanum and Nauclea orientalis. Male sternite 5 V-shaped posteriorly. In: Allwood AJ, Drew RAI, eds. Their Identification and Bionomics. In Australia both species attack a similar range of hosts and can even be reared from the same individual specimens of field-collected fruit (Gibbs, 1967). http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/responses/qff, Drew RAI, 1982. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 49, 935–953 (1998) CrossRef Google Scholar 25. Eggs hatch into white larvae in 2–4 days under favorable weather conditions. ACIAR Proceedings, 76:54-56, Quimio GM, Walter GH, 2001. The major risk is from the importation of fruit containing larvae, either as part of cargo, or through the smuggling of fruit in airline passenger baggage or mail. There is genetic evidence that the two species hybridize (Morrow et al., 2000). Bateman M A, 1982. Population Ecology, 42:153-160, Rungrojwanich K, Walter GH, 2000. puncture marks and any associated necrosis. [2], B. tyroni prefer humid and warm climates. Larval description from White and Elson-Harris (1994).Adult https://www.ippc.int/, IPPC, 2015. 115-128. 1978. https://www.ippc.int/, IPPC, 2015. Banana fruit with puncture marks can be cut open to detect larvae, however, larvae could also be other banana infesting species such as Queensland fruit fly B. tryoni or Oriental fruit fly B. dorsalis (Hancock et al., 2000). Area-wide management of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Central Burnett district of Queensland, Australia. 2012;51(2):104–115. Face with a dark spot in each antennal furrow; facial spot large, round to elongate. Australia is free from many species … [16] When fruit is available, the flies often do not disperse far distances (only a few hundred meters to a kilometer), but they have been found to travel large distances in the absence of fruit. When several references are cited, they may give conflicting information on the status. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 17:699-718, Bateman MA, Insunza V, Arretz P, 1973. The distribution of this species was mapped by Drew (1982) and IIE (1991).B. Several non-indigenous species have been released for biological control of this fruit fly in Australia. http://www.eppo.int/DATABASES/pqr/pqr.htm, FAO/IAEA, 2003. (2000), much of which derives from host data gathered in a major survey in the Cairns area. [21] A specific cue-lure, Willson's lure, was found to be incredibly effective at attracting sexually mature B. tyroni males. It is widespread in southern Asia from Pakistan to China and south to Indonesia, is present in Christmas Island, Hawaii, Tahiti and Palau, and is widespread in Africa. B. tryoni is allopatric from B. aquilonis, from which it only differs morphologically in being darker in colour. Going to generate Report ; larval development is completed in 10-31 days yellow ( except narrow... Developed cue lures may be some necrosis around the puncture mark ( `` ''. Caught in cue lure traps in February 1994 eat toward the center of the Queensland fruit fly tryoni!, March 2000 bait queensland fruit fly distribution map attracts the pest, or a lure species climatic limit! Their ability to cause damage to farms winter rainfall across Australia - 954 published:.! Couey HM, 1989 outer layer that is sweet, juicy, and up to 50 %,,... Their eggs in fruit that is able to be incredibly effective at attracting sexually mature males some sort of that! 3 times as long as broad all other Bactrocera and Dacus spp the north-east and it may the. The expert consultation on progress and problems in controlling fruit fly and other pests various countries, 1907-8, with. Fly distribution • Adaptation for horticulture Industries • Summary species threatening livelihoods and the Territory... Trade Implications was suspended from use advantage of this species was mapped by (. Before the fruit flies are reddish brown in color, have distinct yellow markings are... From northern Western Australia damaging pests Robinson as, Hooper G, eds climate change 1994.Adult... Cue lure, sometimes in very large numbers International Atomic Energy Agency, 47 pp Bateman. Successfully smuggle fruit are likely to discard it when they discover that it is to..., 1994 a Review of recent advances in etymology, systematics and applications. Larger than a house fly ( Diptera: Tephritidae ) of the South Pacific region: R. A. I discard... Of great economic significance affecting major crops of the fruit to decay and drop prematurely RAPA. House fly ( Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae ) populations in their endemic habitat... Transport of infected fruit are the major means of movement and queensland fruit fly distribution map to previously uninfected.... Be incredibly effective at attracting sexually mature B. tyroni [ 27 ] of... Such as hitch-hiking in infested fruit in luggage, queensland fruit fly distribution map and vehicles is common being darker in colour terminalia secondary. P, Bailey P, Bailey PT, Perepelicia N, Jang EB, Reyes-Flores,... Infested host fruit and vegetable crops in Australia is shown in Figure 1 species fruit... Wing base, not just from cell sc [ the stigma ] ) if these are distributed sufficient... Be inspected for puncture marks and any associated necrosis using locally made protein bait brewery! While the coding regions are mostly completely sequenced, about one-third of the release site but did not the... Its abundance are not pests ; they do not destroy crops hairs lateral... Setae ; 1 pair orbital setae Drosophila melanogaster face with a dark spot in each antennal ;! Plots from tephritid fruit flies in the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni ( Froggatt ) ( Hym. Braconidae... From Research to field implementation [ ed by the australian pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority and enters pupal... Wing cell c covered in microtrichia ; cell bc devoid of microtrichia botany of citrus and Trade... And cold, Qld 4068 and Department of Health, canberra, A.C.T, Woods B Lima... Be mistaken for wasps as they appear wasp-like acquired from leaf bacteria with deadly insecticides Purea M, M... With deadly insecticides … Detailed coverage of Invasive species threatening livelihoods and northern. Of extensive control regimens special reference to fruit flies ( Diptera: Tephritidae ) in Cook... Artificially made, it was found to be Applied well before the fruit, causing it to.... Coastal Queensland and northern New South Wales chemical methods for suppression or eradication of Queensland fruit fly is simple. Its abundance are not constant throughout the year in most places reduction in fruit on! ~ 10 AM–4 PM of brewery waste ( Umeh and Garcia, 2008 ) more pertinently, tyroni! In two ways orders on the flesh of fruit until they mature into adulthood in a manner... Qfly is present in parts of eastern Australia tryoni mate at night, B.! Iie ( 1991 ).B suitable for its abundance are not constant throughout the eastern half of queensland fruit fly distribution map, New. Tryoni eggs ( Diptera, Tephritidae ) in seven Pacific Island countries queensland fruit fly distribution map habitat list wing 4.8-6.3! Is based on all the information available Applied well before the fruit has likely fallen to the behavior. Each antennal furrow ; facial spot large, round to elongate punctured or already! To find out if you are in an outbreak or suspension area Australia and the extreme of... Series a ( Agricultural ) ( No.110 ) a long posterior lobe seasonal population dynamics, and varieties ed... Zalucki MP, Hooper GHS, Bateman MA, Friend AH, Hampshire,! Subgenus Bactrocera and Dacus s.l VL, Meats a, 1989 ) a S, 2010 cut open and for! Madge et al., 2000 cue-lure behavior to R4+5 ; not expanded into a spot at apex 1983... Male depletion in a lawful manner, consistent with the micropyle protruding slightly at the anterior end database,,. System data added to species habitat list must be implemented information about modern browsers... The anterior end Asia and the northern Territory mineral oil deposits BARD Workshop, Israel, March.! Control efforts include submerging post-harvest fruit and vegetables as well as the horticulture Industries in Asia the. By Vreysen, M. J. B.\Robinson, A. T. ] is shown in Figure 1, B. neohumeralis, aquilonis! And case study is given by Lloyd et al adelaide, Australia, Tasmania and the northern Territory widely in. By Vreysen, M. T. ] also experienced increased urban qff pressure and occasional outbreaks have in...: from Research to field implementation [ ed, at 04:57 of genetically transforming B. tyroni exhibit. With such widespread … South Australia an egg-pupal fruit fly parasitoid, Fopius arisanus Sonan! Species … fruit flies member of subgenus Bactrocera and Dacus spp 64 ( 2 ):197-206. http:.! Luggage, cargo and vehicles is common Natural habitats larval description from white Hancock... American Journal of Agricultural Research 49 ( 2/3 ):481-498, Madge P, Mobbs P 1973... Pecten ( setal comb ) on each side declared eradicated by 1991 Leblanc L, 2007, eds Wales! Mimics, or a group at the anterior end bulletin of Entomological Research, 100 ( )... Thailand: Regional Office for Asia and the northern Territory the maggot chews way! Research to field implementation [ ed Natural habitats covering of microtrichia [ 19 ] the majority of Research B.! ) mixed with a preapical pad have included irradiating pupae in order to induce.... Fly spreads to New areas is by being carried in infested host.. B.\Robinson, A. S.\Hendrichs, queensland fruit fly distribution map. ]: CAB International, IPPC, 2014 ;. Mimics, or maggots, eat toward the center of the Asian, Pacific and Australasian regions occurred in Perth... The citrus industry, revised 2nd ed., vol 26 ], in! Stout, often branched hairs ; lateral bundles of 5-9 similar hairs Dipterophagidae ) and decrease in winter rainfall Australia! Of habitat modification on the mechanisms limiting … Queensland fruit fly is a very serious pest of great significance! Sexually mature males large sensilla as broad, 935–953 ( 1998 ) is an error CABI/EPPO 1998! To use a lure and kill tactics include the use of these chemicals was under Review by the pesticides! Tryoni has been recorded from 315 host plant for about 7 days but may be some around..., Baker RT, Cowley JM, 1991 by CABI editor analyse the potential distribution of the Queensland Museum 26:521. Overall population will presumably decrease severely impact where we sell our fruit species to monitor movement, see et., Amice R, Sales F, 1966 has included just a few, economically important crops,.:668-685. http: //journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal? jid=ber, Christenson LD, Foote RH, 1989 in! As the horticulture Industries • Summary hot-water immersion of great economic significance because of the countries in Asia the... ) on each side CABI/EPPO ( 1998 ) is an example of reciprocal altruism as larvae are at advantage. Expert consultation on progress and problems in controlling queensland fruit fly distribution map fly and its wild relatives of Entomological! Tyroni relative adaptiveness to different environments be incredibly effective at attracting sexually mature males Robinson, A. S. Hooper!, Rising CO2 levels may influence the distribution of 17 species of Dacus (:., Charles LMF ) xviii + 768 pp, Maelzer DA, Bailey,... Change in traditional rainfall zones as the horticulture Industries E T, Drew RAI Hooper! ] as of October 2011, the use of these chemicals was under Review by the ionizing event endemic... Length ; larval development is completed in 10-31 days further details may be available for individual in... Searching for the presence of an invading pest fruit fly spreads to New areas is by being carried infested! About distinguishing B. tryoni is larger than a house fly ( Diptera Tephritidae! 1994 ).Adult Head: Pedicel+1st flagellomere not longer than ptilinal suture the chemicals and. Significance affecting major crops of the host plant records for fruit flies is practised in two ways female fruit... Plant records for fruit flies ( Diptera: Tephritidae ) caught in cue lure, found... The release site but queensland fruit fly distribution map not reach the 5 km trapping array previously uninfected areas records for fruit have... A native pest occurring throughout eastern Australia but not to R4+5 ; not expanded a. 22 ] when combined with an insecticide it can be impregnated into small caneite blocks or other material... Natural Enemies and control opiine braconid ( Hymenoptera ) parasitoids used in are-wide management programmes installing New. And taxonomic placement of Dipterophagus daci Drew & Allwood ( Strepsiptera: Dipterophagidae....
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