theories of creativity

In this model, a creative person is like a talented Wall Street investor. We sought a wide variety of contributors and commenters, both in terms of fields (we span psychology, biology, neuroscience, engineering, business, ecology, and education) and location (the contributors come from 12 countries). Divergent thinking as a general class of thinking skills is still a useful construct, however, both (a) because it makes this wide range of skills more coherent and easy to conceptualize and (b) because it makes it simpler to postulate and identify the appropriate domain-specific divergent thinking skills that will be important within any given domain or microdomain. Climate is a contextual feature and therefore an understanding of the role of climate in creativity theory implies an understanding of the broader role attributed to the context in general. There has not been a synthesized collection and exchange of ideas between the two communities until now, however, despite the clear benefits to understanding the benefits of creativity in both an evolutionary and cognitive sense. Because creativity is viewed as an interaction between a person, a task, and an environment, what is novel, high in quality, or task appropriate may vary from one person, task, or environment to another. West, Claudia A. Sacramento, in, Climate is a contextual feature and therefore an understanding of the role of climate in, Amabile, 1988; George & Zhou, 2002; Pamela Tierney & Farmer, 2002, Barron & Harrington, 1981; James & Asmus, 2000; MacKinnon, 1962, Baer & Frese, 2003; Schneider & Reichers, 1983; Schneider, Wheeler, & Cox, 1992, Anderson & West, 1998; West, 1990; West & Anderson, 1996, Ekvall, 1996; Ekvall & Ryhammar, 1999; Ekvall & Tangebergandersson, 1986; Isaksen, Lauer, Ekvall, & Britz, 2000, Abbey & Dickson, 1983; Tesluk, Farr, &. Creative people, like good investors, generate ideas that, at the time are viewed as … The neuroscientific literature showcasing the relation among these networks provides a firm foundation from which to understand the structures and mechanisms in the brain responsible for such levels of processing, and the vacillation between diverse types of processing (see Chrysikou, 2018). Creativity typically stems from individuals or small groups working in a state of competitive collaboration. Creativity is inherent in learning. Thus in terms of what is happening inside a creative thinker's head, divergent thinking skill may actually be many unrelated, domain specific cognitive skills; but in terms of how psychologists can understand these many diverse skills (viewing divergent thinking from the outside, as it were), divergent thinking is a coherent class of skills that bear a strong family resemblance. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Intelligence. Gravity. Next we briefly outline a number of climate for creativity and innovation taxonomies that, in line with this trend, have been suggested in the literature. Two of the primary components of creativity include:1 1. Wallas outlined the stages that lead to a creative insight: preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. Numerous theories of creativity were proposed by 20th-century psychologists, educators and other social scientists. In J.P. Guilford's now famous 1950 APA Address, he lamented the “appalling neglect” of the concept of creativity. After this introductory overview, we turn to a discussion of the aspects of team and organizational climate that influence creativity and innovation. The variety of current creativity theories has plusses and minuses. In recent years, there has been an emphasis on creativity theories that incorporate factors that are interrelated. Within the field of creativity research, psychologists tend to stick to the study of humans. Although these efforts had already been initiated (e.g., Baldridge & Burnham, 1975), the social–psychological approach brought a new impetus to this research agenda. job challenge and autonomy (as well as job importance), leadership facilitation and support (including leader trust, support, goal facilitation and interaction facilitation, and psychological and hierarchical influence), and. (It might also make creativity less interesting, but because such a theory is impossible, we will never know. As the evidence surrounding the importance of interaction between associative and executive processing in creative thought continues to emerge, at both the behavioral and neural levels, many have articulated a need for dual-process theoretical frameworks that can more fully account for this interplay. Yet, before discussing the role of context, we should start by clarifying what we mean by creativity and innovation. Example: Jacob brings home his first painting from school. According to this metatheory, divergent thinking is an important creative thinking skill, but the cognitive mechanisms underlying divergent thinking are different in each domain (or possibly even for each task within a given domain). Multivariate structural equation models showed unique contributions of both the associative and executive measures to creativity, demonstrating that both types of processes are important in predicting the ability to generate novel ideas. This statement characterizes the historically difficult relationship existent between gifted individuals and society and, between science and creativity research" (Bergquist, "A Comparative View of Creativity Theories", p.1). Modeling the creative process: A grounded theory analysis of creativity in the domain of art making. PLAY. Guilford's address, and his conceptualization of divergent and convergent thinking, sparked a massive influx of research on creativity. Klein, 1997, Dorfman, Shames, & Kihlstrom, 1996; Slepian, Weisbuch, Rutchick, Newman, & Ambady, 2010, Kounios & Beeman, 2014; Chein & Weisberg, 2014, Barr, Pennycook, Stolz, and Fugelsang (2015a), Aiello, Jarosz, Cushen, & Wiley, 2012; Ansburg & Hill, 2003; Baird et al., 2012; Bowden, Jung-Beeman, Fleck, & Kounios, 2005; Dijksterhuis & Meurs, 2006; Kim, Hasher, & Zacks, 2007; Kounios et al., 2006; Reverberi, Toraldo, D'Agostini, & Skrap, 2005; Schooler, Ohlsson, & Brooks, 1993; Sio & Ormerod, 2009; Wieth & Zacks, 2011; Wiley & Jarosz, 2012; Zhong, Dijksterhuis, & Galinsky, 2008. Additionally, Unsworth made the distinction between innovation and creativity that I had not seen explained before. Creativity is therefore present when major artistic, scientific and … Organizational climate has occupied a pivotal role in the organizational sciences dating from Lewin’s classic work on motivation in the 1950s (Lewin, 1951), and was formalized through the human relations movement of the 1960s (Argyris, 1958). Creative people may take problems that other people see, or they themselves may previously have seen, in one way, and redefine the problems in a different way. Most accounts of this finding emphasize the associative organization of information, with more proximal associates becoming active first, followed by more distal creative ideas later. Originally, creativity was thought to be one individual trait that could be measured in the same way that base intellect and physical strength are measured. According to this model, six main elements contribute to creativity: intelligence, knowledge, thinking styles, personality, motivation, and the environment. James suggests that individuals develop a global or holistic perception of their work environment (e.g., James & Jones, 1974), which could be applied to any number of contexts and industries. Major test developers may not be willing to support extensive test development efforts for tests of such limited potential use. Examples of his components of creativity include Guilford's divergent thinking components (fluency, flexibility, and originality), and being open to new experiences, curious, willing to take risks, and sensitive to aesthetic characteristics. PLAY. Martindale , C. ( 1999 ). James C. Kaufman, in Creativity and the Performing Artist, 2017. Biologists or ethologists usually either focus on animal problem solving or else consider creativity to be an evolutionary adaptation. With reference to the evidence indicating a significant relationship between hypomania and creativity cited above, Weisberg conducted an interesting case study of Schumann's mood bipolarity. On the plus side, there is a pluralistic array of perspectives available, which admirably attempt to understand many aspects of this complex phenomenon, which account for current data reasonably well, and which have the potential for a great deal of integration and cross-connection. Ultimately, creativity is not about one thing, but about a system of things. Yet studies of acting, dancing, and other performance-based arts have continued to grow, and it is my delight to introduce Creativity and the Performing Artist: Behind the Mask as the latest volume to the Explorations in Creativity Research series from Academic Press. An implication of the investment theory of creativity is … Most creativity training programs already use a wide variety of tasks, spread across various content domains, in the exercises they use to improve divergent thinking and other creative thinking skills. Some theorists explain creativity as intrinsic creative motivations, which individuals create a project for … The 14 dimensions are: Aligned with some of the taxonomies described above, several instruments have been developed to assess a climate for creativity. Moving from the implications of domain specificity for creativity theory to its implications for creativity testing, a domain specific understanding of creativity provides a very direct challenge to existing notions of how to test creativity. Although the response must be new, it cannot be merely different; Again, I would like to reiterate that each of these models are correct in and of themselves. The newest theory is often deemed as being "more correct" than the previously held school of thought. The first section presents a discussion of how the theories will be classified and compared, highlighting key challenges, considerations, and limitations. Some studies have found that people who tended to produce more original responses also were better at rating their most original responses to a divergent-thinking task. Some of these theories emphasize issues such as the environment or evolution and are less relevant here. The creator will then know when to move on to pursue other ideas (as in selling high, when one divests oneself of stocks). As the componentional model previously suggested, the interactionist model also stresses the role played by the context, but it further adds the notion that the effects between person and situation are not simply additive but are instead of an interactive nature. Based on qualitative and quantitative work, the authors identified the following eight dimensions: Focusing on a theory of psychological processes, Ekval and colleagues (Ekvall, 1996; Ekvall & Ryhammar, 1999; Ekvall & Tangebergandersson, 1986; Isaksen, Lauer, Ekvall, & Britz, 2000) proposed a 9 dimensional model integrating: We note that other models more strongly embedded in organizational management theory have also been developed (e.g., Abbey & Dickson, 1983; Tesluk, Farr, &. Individual perceptions of the work environment are usually termed psychological climate, and, when shared to a level sufficient for aggregation to the group or organizational level, are labelled group or organizational climate. The third component, analytical ability, is often measured by traditional intelligence tests. Several psychological theories on the process of creativity are chronicled. He stated that there were five types of operations, four types of content, and six types of products adding to a total of one hundred and twenty different types of possible metal tasks (he would later expand this number to one hundred and eighty different mental tasks, but for now let's focus on the original one hundred and twenty.) Vygotsky believed that creativity arises from any human activity that produces something new. Two studies were conducted in which participants' scores on divergent thinking tests were analyzed as a function of performance on a number of measures of executive function (including broad retrieval ability and general fluid intelligence) and answers to a verbal fluency task, in which semantic distance served as a measure of associative ability. In fact, Baer (1994a, 1994b, 1994c)1994a1994b1994c provided convincing evidence that creativity is not only content specific but is also task specific within content areas. Michael A. Freud’s views on creativity lean towards a neuropsychological model – asserting that creativity stems from basic instinct and the biological satisfaction derived from creative achievement. We will use this model as a way of briefly highlighting theories and research that will be helpful background material in reading this book. Amabile gives the environment a critical role in this model. The Investment Theory of Creativity by Sternberg, creativity has six sources that require confluence: Intelligence, Knowledge, Style of thinking, Personality, Motivation, and Learning environmental contexts. The authors propose that creativity is the product of a complex person–situation interaction influenced by events of the past as well as salient aspects of the current situation. ), R.J. Sternberg, J.C. Kaufman, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011. Figure 2. West and colleagues’ climate model is, in our awareness, the only model focusing on team level climate (Anderson & West, 1998; West, 1990; West & Anderson, 1996). STUDY. based on the principles of complex dynamic systems theory, which describes and explains children’s creativity. The componential theory of creativity is a comprehensive model of the social and psychological components necessary for an individual to produce creative work. ), One of the earliest models of creativity was created by a man named J. P. Guilford. This focus on spontaneous illumination is most obviously present in the rich literature on creative insight, which reveals the ways in which new and useful ideas arise autonomously in the mind (though there is discussion of the role of controlled and volitional thought in insight; see Kounios & Beeman, 2014; Chein & Weisberg, 2014). However, much of human. Test. (Plucker, 1998, p. 179), J. Baer, in Encyclopedia of Creativity (Second Edition), 2011. The first, selective encoding, involves distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information. Now this may seem a tad confusing, but because creativity is a such a dynamic concept many theories are only able to define creativity in one particular field or career at one specific point in time (i.e. Any time one attempts a new task, there is a level of creativity involved. And finally, creativity training programs cannot be assumed to increase creativity across all domains simply because they successfully promote creativity in one domain. Some reasons for this have already been discussed, such as the lure of GUTs in other fields like physics8 and biology and the simple fact that life (and creativity research) would be so much easier if a single, grand unifying theory of creativity were possible. This implies that in order to fully understand creativity, one has to consider the interplay between the person and the environment. In the meantime, both views will continue to claim adherents among researchers and theorists. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. This theory breaks down how personality effects creativity into two options: The evolution of creative theory has brought our understanding of what creativity is from Guilford's solely cognitive representation in the 1900's to our modern day model that includes intellect, context (problem type and motivation), and personality each as factors of influence. (2015) also deeply considered the connections between creativity theories that are dual-process, and in more general dual-process theories of cognition. While being closely related to cognitive ability, personality is another internal factor that affects the creative process. Weisberg (1994) pointed to an important distinction between productivity and creativity. A successful creator will generate ideas that may be initially unpopular or underappreciated (as in buying stocks with low price-earnings ratios), yet will persist and convince others of the ideas’ merits. Paula Thomson and Victoria S. Jacque have produced a comprehensive, meaningful work that is readable, grounded in the literature, and of great interest to scholars and performers alike. 43) Integrating creativity within industry management and education must first begin with an awareness of key theoretical models most closely associated with the development and application of creativity in real world situations. This synthetic ability includes three knowledge-acquisition components. Creativity training programs aimed at a particular domain can easily limit their training exercises to ones connected to that domain, while programs aimed at increasing creativity in general – the vast majority of programs – must be careful not to limit their training exercises to just one or a few content domains. It is quite possible that both domain specificity and generality are true, each in part and in its own way. Moving on from Guilford's model of cognitive ability, Kerrie Unsworth proposed that there was more than just raw intelligence that influenced the creative process. In contrast with macro-level innovation research, which focused essentially on contextual factors but disregarded the individual (e.g., Aiken & Hage, 1971), psychology research placed less emphasis on the context and more importance on identifying the characteristics of the creative individual. Created by. Biologists or ethologists usually either focus on animal problem solving or else consider creativity to be an evolutionary adaptation. For example, Allen and Thomas (2011) revisited modern conceptions of Wallas's famous stages of creativity and argued that associative and executive processes are active throughout all stages, with different stages differentially associated with each type of thinking process. one might find that there are a multitude of theories that are seen as "correct They explain, in detail, the considerable deviation in conceptualizations mentioned above—that dual-process theories of cognition predominantly focus on distinctions of autonomy and control in dividing types of processing, whereas creativity researchers tend to focus on the difference between generative and evaluative processes, and divergent and convergent thinking. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting).. Neuroscientific research has shown an increase in frontopolar cortex activation when individuals identify or generate more creative analogies (with higher creativity quantified by increased semantic distance between the constituent elements of an analogy; see Green, 2016 for a review; also see Kenett, 2018 for a review of quantitative measure of semantic distance in creativity research). Creativity theory is a set of models and concepts for explaining creativity, the act of creating something non-obvious that is unusually valuable. People who are able incisively to evaluate their own work may be said to be high in metacognition (which is related to planning, a key component of Luria's model). Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. This is to say that just as Guilford offered cognitive ability as a component of creativity, context is another factor that shapes and mold types of creativity. The Four C Model of Creativity. According to the creativity theory, we no longer care (or have never cared) about social approval when in the creative zone. Innovation can be described as: “the intentional introduction and application within a job, work team or organization of ideas, processes, products or procedures which are new to that job, work team or organization” (West & Farr, 1990, p. 9). Renzulli distinguishes between two types of giftedness – schoolhouse (i.e., what would be measured by an ability or achievement test) and creative-production. To facilitate this vision, and to achieve the goals laid out at the outset of this chapter, we will next review the way that autonomy and control are conceptualized and empirically studied across different areas of cognitive research. Creativity-relevant skills are personal factors that are associated with creativity. For example, in Slepian and Ambady (2012), participants were asked to terminate their attempt if they could not produce a solution to a Remote Associates Test (RAT; REF) problem within 5 seconds, and this was done to “ensure that answers were discovered by connecting remotely associated concepts rather than by brute-force searching (see Dorfman, Shames, & Kihlstrom, 1996; Slepian, Weisbuch, Rutchick, Newman, & Ambady, 2010)” (p. 4). The social world is given special relevance because it has the potential to influence any of the three components that are conducive to creativity, in particular intrinsic motivation. We will refer back to this model later in this chapter when discussing organizational climate features. More recently, researchers have departed from a general conceptualization of climate and have turned their focus to specific types or facets of climate, such as climate for safety, climate for service and climate for initiative (Baer & Frese, 2003; Schneider & Reichers, 1983; Schneider, Wheeler, & Cox, 1992). An implication of the investment theory of creativity is … For any real conceptual progress to occur, existing theories must be continually constrained by more and better data and analyses, and generate new constructs for measurement and analysis in their turn. Sternberg calls his theory “investment theory,” and creative psychology experts place this theory in a category called “economic theories of creativity.” In a chapter of the creative development book titled “The Development of Creativity as a Decision-Making Process,” he defines this theory in terms of an individual’s decision to be creative. What creativity is & is not (4 bullets) For instance, the “person approach”, which represented one of the dominant schools of thought in the psychological study of creativity, conceptualized creativity as the constellation of personality and intellectual traits shown by individuals who, when given sufficient autonomy, spent significant amounts of time engaged in the creative process (Findlay & Lumsden, 1988). The second element, practical ability, is needed to communicate creative ideas to other people (i.e., ‘selling’ an idea). Moreover, they complement each other in accounting for the more proximal team climate and the more distal organizational climate influences. It is often attributed to a unique mind, method, insight or worldview that allows the creative to step beyond what exists to invent new value. The investment theory of creativity, proposed in collaboration with Todd Lubart, holds that creativity is in large part a decision. At the mini-c level of creativity, what one creates might not be revolutionary but it is new and meaningful to them. Creativity and Observation A lot of the time, creativity can be spurred by something in the environment, triggering connections with new ideas. Domain-relevant skills include knowledge, technical skills, and specialized talent (i.e., a creative mathematician should know basic algebra and geometry). Guilford. The work of B.F. Skinner will represent the behavioral viewpoint, while Abraham Maslow's ideas will illustrate the personality or humanist perception. His emphasis on the source of variance in creative potential was not on cognitive control and the ability to effectively access and combine information—core functions of general intelligence—but rather focused on the organization of semantic memory and the way that responses are autonomously generated in response to stimuli. Even the author of the paper arguing for domain generality acknowledged that the tide had turned in favor of a domain-specific view: Recent observers of the theoretical (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988) and empirical (Gardner, 1993; Runco, 1989; Sternberg & Lubart, 1995) creativity literature could reasonably assume that the debate is settled in favor of content specificity. As valuable as such approaches have been in isolating processes involved in creative thinking, given the considerable bodies of empirical evidence supporting roles for both associative and executive processing, researchers are increasingly seeking a deeper understanding of the interaction between these modes of thought and, accordingly, are adopting more global approaches. They stress that: “individual creativity is a function of antecedent conditions (e.g., past reinforcement history, biographical variables), cognitive style and ability (e.g., divergent thinking, ideational fluency), personality factors (e.g., self-esteem, locus of control), relevant knowledge, motivation, social influences (e.g., social facilitation, social rewards), and contextual influences (e.g., physical environment, task and time constraints)” (p. 294). In one task, a facilitating effect of positive mood on an analogical transfer task was obtained. STUDY. We will refer in more detail to TCI and KEYS later in this chapter (for a comprehensive review see Mathisen & Einarsen, 2004). Through this model, Unsworth shed light on the important topic that is context. Creativity is viewed basi… In order to contextualize the importance of climate on organizational creativity and innovation it is useful to look at how this literature evolved. More research will be needed to clarify the conditions under which generality or specificity of creativity is the more valid perspective. In summary, a core contribution of Amabile’s (1993) proposal is to have highlighted the role played by contextual factors such as organizational climate in influencing the individual features critical for creativity. Some would say that while a few components of creativity have changed, our overlying view of creativity as a whole has not changed. Test. West’s team climate model (1990) and Amabile and colleagues’ work environment model (1996) are arguably the most widely validated models of climate for creativity and innovation. Innovation can be described as: However when researching creativity, one might find that there are a multitude of theories that are seen as "correct". It should be noted that the research evidence pointing toward domain specificity of creativity is fairly new, and, like the research that preceded it, this research may not tell the whole story. In Animal Creativity and Innovation, 2015. She argued that three variables were needed for creativity to occur: domain-relevant skills, creativity-relevant skills, and task motivation. knm763. If creativity is domain specific, what exactly is one to test? Other theorists convey the brain controls levels of creativity, and mental illness has an impact on creative process. Unsworth broke down each of these ideas into two categories to better explain each context affects the creative process. theory to other creativity theories, the article describes this theory’s evolution and impact. 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