He may also resort to polysyllabic obfuscations upon realizing the limitations of the interrogator's vocabulary. This manual cannot teach anyone how to be, or become, a good interrogator. Wexler, Donald, Jack Mendelson, Herbert Leiderman, and Philip Solomon, "Sensory Deprivation," A.M.A. Hypnosis is frequently called a state of heightened suggestibility, but the phrase is a description rather than a definition. Since KUBARK employees cannot be witnesses in court, each investigation must be conducted in such a manner that evidence obtained may be properly introduced if the case comes to trial. The author does not discuss the possible relevance of his findings to interrogation. It "has the highest position in law as a defense, but in many interrogation situations it is a highly ineffective threat. 23. Prisoners who lead monotonously unvaried lives "... cease to care about their utterances, dress, and cleanliness. If they are interrogated, the reason is that they are known or believed to fall into one of the following categories. U.S. Army, Counterintelligence Corps, Fort Holabird, Investigative Subjects Department, Interrogations, Restricted, 1 May 1950. It is not claimed that what remains is comprehensive as well as selective, for the number of published works having some relevance even to the restricted subject is over a thousand. The interrogator should not show quick impatience, but neither should he allow the results to get out of focus. The manuals describe coercive techniques to be used "to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist." He seems to enjoy a continuing state of well-being. Slaps were the first method that N. listed. The Alice in Wonderland technique can reinforce the effect. Or they may have been "model" children who repressed all natural hostilities. The techniques used in nullifying resistance, inducing compliance, and eventually eliciting voluntary cooperation are discussed in Part VIII of this handbook. Psychological Research Report #5 , American Psychiatric Association, 1956. Have local (federal or other) laws affecting KUBARK's conduct of a unilateral or joint interrogation been compiled and learned? No interrogator should be reluctant to notify his superior when emotional involvement becomes evident. It is important to understand that interrogation, as both situation and process, does of itself exert significant external pressure upon the interrogatee as long as he is not permitted to accustom himself to it. Eventually enough of the drug would be given to cause a short period of unconsciousness. The term non-coercive is used above to denote methods of interrogation that are not based upon the coercion of an unwilling subject through the employment of superior force originating outside himself. 3 lines deleted] (3) This study states later (page "Great attention has been given to the degree to which persons are able to make judgements from casual observations regarding the personality characteristics of another. With this common understanding established, the interrogation can move on to impersonal matters and will not later be thwarted or interrupted -- or at least not as often -- by irrelevant answers designed not to provide facts but to prove that the interrogatee is a respectable member of the human race. b. Anxiety increases the desire to be with others who share the same fear. They were conducted by soldiers, agency personnel, contract… – The KUBARK manual was written by the CIA in the s as a means of standardizing interrogation techniques. Lefton, Robert Jay, "Chinese Communist 'Thought Reform. Another objection to the deliberate inducing of debility is that prolonged exertion, loss of sleep, etc., themselves become patterns to which the subject adjusts through apathy. Therefore they claim as their right privileges not permitted others. The best results are obtained when the CI interrogator and the polygraph operator work closely together in laying the groundwork for technical examination. And if he "perceives that the accusation is backed by 'real' evidence, the ratio of external forces to his own forces is increased and the person's psychological position is now more precarious. And a principal source of aid today is scientific findings. An estimate of whether the interrogatee will be cooperative or recalcitrant is essential to planning because very different methods are used in dealing with these two types. The manner as well as the nature of the walk-in's reaction to the proposal should be noted. 1/2 line deleted] stations, and even a few bases can call upon one or several interrogators to supply these prerequisites, individually or as a team. Therefore the interrogator, base, or center that is considering its use must anticipate the timing sufficiently not only to secure the obligatory headquarters permission but also to allow for an expert's travel time and briefing. Detailed interrogation ends only when (1) all useful counterintelligence information has been obtained; (2) diminishing returns and more pressing commitments compel a cessation; or (3) the base, station, [one or two words deleted] admits full or partial defeat. Interrogations conducted under compulsion or duress are especially likely to involve illegality and to entail damaging consequences for KUBARK. The interrogator should neither cut off this flow abruptly nor show impatience unless it takes up an inordinate amount of time or unless it seems likely that all the talking about personal matters is being used deliberately as a smoke screen to keep the interrogator from doing his job. Although this book (207 pages of text) is principally concerned with lessons derived from the interrogation of American POW's by Communist services and with the problem of resisting interrogation, it also deals with the interrogation of resistant subjects. a. Before interrogation starts, the amount of time probably required and probably available to both interrogator and interrogatee should be calculated. No, Kubark clarifies, don’t send him back to Imperial Guard school. Otherwise, the chances are that the interrogation will not produce optimum results. An excellent analysis of the psychological pressures applied by Chinese Communists to American POW's to extract "confessions" for propaganda purposes. CIA cryptonyms sometimes contain a two character prefix called a digraph, which designates a geographical or functional area. What is the purpose of the interrogation? The poorest interrogations are those that trail off into an inconclusive nothingness. The interrogation of PBPRIME citizens poses special problems. But here too Orne seems somewhat too cautious or pessimistic. Sometimes he seems unable to distinguish reality from the realm of his own creating. The use of unsuccessful techniques will of itself increase the interrogatee's will and ability to resist. But if the interrogatee is withholding, a period of exploration is necessary. 5 lines deleted] It is sound practice to assign inexperienced interrogators to guard duty or to other supplementary tasks directly related to interrogation, so that they can view the process closely before taking charge. If the interrogator is unaware of this unconcsious process, the result can be a confused battle of submerged attitudes, in which the spoken words are often merely a cover for the unrelated struggle being waged at lower levels of both personalities. In the name of defending democracy, the manuals advocate profoundly undemocratic methods. rather than "How can I trap him into disclosing what he knows?" A counterintelligence interrogation consists of four parts: the opening, the reconnaissance, the detailed questioning and the conclusion. 17. They are not impulsive in behavior. As a general rule, it is difficult to succeed in the CI interrogation of a resistant source unless the interrogating service can control the subject and his environment for as long as proves necessary. If the interrogatee is cooperative at the outset or if rapport is established during the opening phase and the source becomes cooperative, the reconnaissance stage is needless; the interrogator proceeds directly to detailed questioning. 24. He tells A to speak up, that he can hardly hear him. In any event, it is advisable to keep the subject upset by constant disruptions of patterns. Because the scope is nevertheless broad, the discussion is brisk but necessarily less than profound. 2/3 line deleted] some large stations are able to conduct preliminary psychological screening before interrogation starts. 6. The report suggests forcing the detainee to stand at attention for long periods of time. If an admission of prior association with one or more foreign intelligence services or Communist parties or fronts has been obtained, have full particulars been acquired and reported? ': Confession and Reeducation of Western Civilians," Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine , September 1957, Vol. When he repeats the tactics, the interrogator in charge says, with a slight show of anger, "We're not here to trap people but to get at the truth. He sometimes gratifies his feeling of secret superiority by provoking unjust treatment. But whereas the interrogator in charge is sincere, the second interrogator's manner and voice convey the impression that he is merely pretending sympathy in order to trap the interrogated. 10 lines deleted]. Day and night are jumbled. The walk-in may be asked to identify all relatives and friends in the area, or even the country, in which PBPRIME asylum is first requested. It seems possible then that the hypnotic situation, as distinguished from hypnosis itself, might be used to relieve the individual of a feeling of responsibility for his own actions and thus lead him to reveal information."(7). Adopting the tone of an understanding father or big brother is likely to make the subject responsive. Usually the odds still favor the interrogator, but they are sharply cut by the training, experience, patience and toughness of the interrogatee. Looking for the definition of KUAR? In the opening phases of interrogation, or in a quick interrogation, we are compelled to make some use of the shorthand of categorizing, despite distortions. After the prefix comes a word supposedly chosen at random, although (I am told) there is room for subtle humor in … U. S. Army, The Army Intelligence School, Fort Holabird, Techniques of Interrogation , Instructors Folder I-6437/A, January 1956. Confession in such a case can come only with duress even where all other conditions previously mentioned may prevail. The motivational strength of the individual is likely to exhaust itself in this internal encounter.... As long as the subject remains standing, he is attributing to his captor the power to do something worse to him, but there is actually no showdown of the ability of the interrogator to do so." This sketchy outline of possible uses of hypnosis in the interrogation of resistant sources has no higher goal than to remind operational personnel that the technique may provide the answer to a problem not otherwise soluble. Sometimes such people actually commit crimes in order to confess and be punished. 1/2 line deleted site organized and equipped for interrogation and those whose interrogation will be completed by the base or station with which contact is first established. Almost all of his conclusions are tentatively negative. [11], The same manual states the importance of knowing local laws regarding detention but then notes, "Illegal detention always requires prior HQS [headquarters] approval." The definitions, legal considerations, and discussions of interrogators and sources, as well as Sectio… Arrangements are usually made to record the interrogation, transmit it to another room, or do both. Experiments and statistical analyses performed at the University of Minnesota concerned the relationships among anxiety and affiliative tendencies (desire to be with other people), on the one hand, and the ordinal position (rank in birth sequence) on the other. If a new safehouse is to be used as the interrogation site, it should be studied carefully to be sure that the total environment can be manipulated as desired. 19-28? On the contrary, the goal is to generate maximum pressure, or at least as much as is needed to induce compliance. His resistance is sapped, his urge to yield is fortified, until in the end he defeats himself. Those that have no real bearing on the counterintelligence interrogation of resistant sources have been left out. Pitch, tone, and volume of the interrogators' voices are unrelated to the import of the questions. Allowing an interrogatee to receive carefully selected letters from home can contribute to effects desired by the interrogator. Wouldn't it be better for you if I set you both free together? The cryptonym KUBARK appears in the title of a 1963 CIA document KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation which describes interrogation techniques, including, among other things, "coercive counterintelligence interrogation of resistant sources". He does not know how much the accuser knows. No report of scientific investigation of the effect of debility upon the interrogatee's powers of resistance has been discovered. It is useful to recognize in advance whether the information desired would be threatening or damaging in any way to the interests of the interrogates. KUBARK: Counterintelligence Interrogation Central Intelligence Agency. Its primary function in a counterintelligence interrogation, however, is to provide a further means of testing for deception or withholding. Remembering that time is on his side, the interrogator should arrange to get as much of it as he needs. First rule of interrogation torture never works! If documents, witnesses, or other sources yield information about interrogatee A, such remarks as "B says it was in Smolensk that you denounced so-and-so to the secret police. [12][13] Both manuals have an entire chapter devoted to "coercive techniques". Typically he has a long history of being promising and of almost completing a significant assignment or achievement but not bringing it off. Until the source dies or tells us everything that he knows that is pertinent to our purposes, his interrogation may be interrupted, perhaps for years -- but it has not been completed. "[citation needed], The manual gives the suggestion that prisoners be deprived of sleep and food, and made to maintain rigid positions, such as standing at attention for long periods. What is fully clear, however, is that controlled coercive manipulation of an interrogatee may impair his ability to make fine distinctions but will not alter his ability to answer correctly such gross questions as "Are you a Soviet agent? Other reasons for changing interrogators should be anticipated and avoided at the outset. Even worse, a "dash-on-regardless" approach can ruin the prospects of success even if sound methods are used later. The legislation which founded KUBARK specifically denied it any law-enforcement or police powers. Only when these have been established and understood does it become possible to plan realistically. Some people who are afraid of losing sleep, or who do not wish to lose sleep, soon succumb to sleep loss...." (7). How do you prepare the patient for a KUB? The compliance may be voluntary or involuntary. However, you typically need an upper shot as well to get a visual of the diaphragm. If the approval of Headquarters has been obtained and if a doctor is at hand for administration, one of the most important of the interrogator's functions is providing the doctor with a full and accurate description of the psychological make-up of the interrogatee, to facilitate the best possible choice of a drug. Has the opening phase been followed by a reconnaissance? The All-Seeing Eye (or Confession is Good for the Soul), IX. Thus the procedure of subjecting a suspected malingerer to a lie-detector test might evoke behavior which would reinforce the suspicion of fraud." The approach of the psychologists is customarily manipulative; that is, they suggest methods of imposing controls or alterations upon the interrogatee from the outside. Then a friendly soul treats him to an unexpected walk in the woods. If he does, he himself becomes the only source of his "salvation. Traces should be run speedily. ", He perceives the accuser as representing authority. KUBARK has no independent legal authority to detain anyone against his will, [approx. Find out what is the full meaning of KUAR on Abbreviations.com! Biderman, Albert D., "Communist Attempts to Elicit False Confession from Air Force Prisoners of War", Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine , September 1957, Vol. KUBARK interrogators may encounter seemingly sick or irrational interrogatees at times and places which make it difficult or next-to-impossible to summon medical or other professional assistance. Has the subject been interrogated earlier? Paid volunteers spent periods from 1 hour and 38 minutes to 36 hours in a tank-respirator. KUBARK usually cannot. The polygraph can be used for purposes other than the evaluation of veracity. What are the key areas of resistance? Some of the material was similar to the older CIA manuals described below. [approx. Many prisoners, in fact, have refused to yield in the face of such threats who have subsequently been 'broken' by other procedures." If B rises to this bait, the interrogator moves on to areas of greater significance. It is recommended that screening be conducted whenever personnel and facilities permit, unless it is reasonably certain that the interrogation will be of minor importance or that the interrogatee is fully cooperative. This book is a scholarly and comprehensive examination of hypnosis. Moral considerations aside, the imposition of external techniques of manipulating people carries with it the grave risk of later lawsuits, adverse publicity, or other attempts to strike back.===. (7). The reason is that they can then interpret the pain as punishment and hence as expiation. What are his major psychological characteristics? (28). The kind and intensity of anticipated resistance is estimated. In the Kubark – which originally was the codename for the CIA in the Vietnam War – the intelligence agency learned from its experiments throughout the 50s and 60s and the methods that evolved would be picked up and used by other security services across the world, including here in the UK. The examination of his bona fides , accordingly, is often less searching. 100%. The effect of someone wandering in because he forgot his pen or wants to invite the interrogator to lunch can be devastating. An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. An environment still more subject to control, such as water-tank or iron lung, is even more effective. 3. An interrogation is not merely a verbal performance; it is a vocal performance, and the voice projects tension, fear, a dislike of certain topics, and other useful pieces of information. This short article does not discuss details. Thwarting his attempts to do so is likely to drive him deeper and deeper into himself, until he is no longer able to control his responses in adult fashion. If the interrogates is to be confined, can KUBARK control his environment fully? It will be more useful to the KUBARK interrogator than the second, which deals with the elements of criminal interrogation. Take it easy." These differences are more pronounced in persons from small families then in those who grew up in large families. Kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Merton M. Gill and Margaret Brenman state, "The psychoanalytic theory of hypnosis clearly implies, where it does not explicitly state, that hypnosis is a form of regression." 31. Even if the file contains little or nothing but blank paper, the air of familiarity with which the interrogator refers to the subject's background can convince some sources that all is known and that resistance is futile. 12.). The assessment of individuals is based upon the compilation and use of psychological as well as biographic detail. Occasionally the information needed from a recalcitrant interrogatee is obtainable from a willing source. If the interrogator is uncertain, are the services of an expert available? In dealing with this type -- and to a considerable extent in dealing with any of the types herein listed -- the interrogator must be aware of the limits and pitfalls of rational persuasion. It provides a useful insight into the interaction between interrogator and interrogatee. is not a person wholly lacking in the characteristics of the other types. The first part of this book consists of a discussion of the polygraph. The question uppermost in his mind, at the beginning, is not likely to be "How can I help PBPRIME?" It was very terrific. In general, "... breathing during deception is shallower and slower than in truth telling... the inhibition of breathing seems rather characteristic of anticipation of a stimulus. Kill Until Killed. At the first interview the questioner should be on the alert for phrases or concepts characteristic of intelligence or CP activity and should record such leads whether it is planned to follow them by interrogation on the spot [approx. Wasn't he? (34). Instead, the manuals provide detailed techniques for infiltrating social movements, interrogating suspects, surveillance, maintaining military secrecy, recruiting and retaining spies, and controlling the population. The book is also valuable because the author, a psychiatrist of considerable repute, obviously had a deep understanding of the nature of the inter-personal relationship and of resistance. Although now somewhat dated because of the significant work done since its publication, this bibliography remains the best of those listed. The second reason is that an unsuccessful attempt to hypnotize a subject for purposes of interrogation, or a successful attempt not adequately covered by post-hypnotic amnesia or other protection, can easily lead to lurid and embarrassing publicity or legal charges. (For example, a successfully resisting source may become distraught if given some reward for the "valuable contribution" that he has made.) Chapter VIII, "Fallacies of Testimony," is worth reading, however, because some of its warnings are applicable. The interrogator should resist this tendency. "I'm wet like kuk" Because of these and other advantages, " [approx. The complexities of dealing with conscience-ridden interrogatees vary so widely from case to case that it is almost impossible to list sound general principles. Planning the Counterintelligence Interrogation, A. If time permits, it may be a good idea (depending upon the psychological assessment of both) to postpone interrogation for about a week. Rundquist, E.A., "The Assessment of Graphology, " Studies in Intelligence , Secret, Summer 1959, Vol. Is the source [approx. Judging the validity of other ethical arguments about coercion exceeds the scope of this paper. "(7), Orne has discussed an extensions of the placebo concept in explaining what he terms the "magic room" technique. Even though the cost in time and patience is sometimes high, the effort to make the subject feel that his questioner is a sympathetic figure should not be abandoned until all reasonable resources have been exhausted (unless, of course, the interrogation does not merit much time). Techniques for the separate interrogations of linked sources are discussed in Part IX. While having a good understanding of search engines and why SEO can benefit your site greatly, there’s really no substitute for the professionals. Brainwashing, A Guide to the Literature , prepared by the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Inc., Forest Hills, New York, December 1960. He may "confess" to hostile clandestine activity, or other acts of interest to KUBARK, in which he was not involved. As is true of all craftsmen, some interrogators are more able than others; and some of their superiority may be innate. In either event, a couple of interrogators, with or without the "informer", now emerge from the inner office. How soon it appears and how strong it is depends upon the psychological characteristics of the individual. It is plainly true that the interrogation source cannot be understood in a vacuum, isolated from social context. The interrogator will find little here that is not more helpfully discussed in other sources, including Gill and Brenman's Hypnosis and Related States . The appendix reports a study of whether Communist interrogation methods included such aids as hypnosis and drugs. During this respite the interrogatee can pull himself together. Suddenly the interrogator pops his head through the doorway and is angry on seeing B and the guard. 1. The first section contains a number of especially useful references. The character who cannot stand success enjoys his ambitions as long as they remain fantasies but somehow ensures that they will not be fulfilled in reality. Read Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation: The CIA Document of Human Manipulation book reviews & author details and more at … Levenson, Bernard and Lee Wiggins, A Guide for Intelligence Interviewing of Voluntary Foreign Sources , Official Use Only, Officer Education Research Laboratory, ARDC, Maxwell Air Force Base (Technical Memorandum OERL-TM-54-4.) Another technique is to pretend to take the deception seriously, express grave concern, and tell the "patient" that the only remedy for his illness is a series of electric shock treatments or a frontal lobotomy. Singer, Margaret Thaler and Edgar H. Schein, "Projective Test Responses of Prisoners of War Following Repatriation." Feeling that these misfortunes were undeserved, the exceptions regard them as injustices that someone or something must rectify. Its purpose is to keep from the questioner any guilty information or information that would be damaging to the speaker's self-esteem. The guilty persons were reluctant to take the test, and they tried in various ways to postpone or delay it. One said, "I know it seems strange now, but I was positively grateful to them when they switched to a topic I knew something about."(3). Although the polygraph has been a valuable aid, no interrogator should feel that it can carry his responsibility for him. Now, however, he keeps coming back to each area of sensitivity until he has determined the location of each and the intensity of the defenses. Hypnosis offers one advantage not inherent in other interrogation techniques or aids: the post-hypnotic suggestion. This pragmatic objection has somewhat the same validity for a counterintelligence interrogation as for any other. The individual remains the determinant. Usually topics popping up in the course of an interrogation are forgotten if not noted; they tend to disrupt the interrogation plan if covered by way of digression on the spot. The recruits go through a training drill to test their stress levels; Alex attempts to gain information and get close to Owen; in the future, the terrorists make a demand that could possibly end the stand … Any anxious inquiries from either can be met by a knowing grin and some such reply as, "We'll get to you in due time. His real purpose is to test the sincerity (reliability, honor, etc.) He may even use the time to think up new, more complex "admissions" that take still longer to disprove. “Kubark” – The trainees are put through a training drill that tests their stress levels while Alex tries to gather information and get close to Owen. is closely related to the guilt-ridden character. He may feel like dealing more and more abruptly with reminiscences or digressions. And the way this fight is going they need every last one of them. KUBARK CI interrogations are designed, almost invariably, to yield information about foreign intelligence and security services or Communist organizations. The interrogatee has been told that KUBARK will not hold him long, that he need only resist for a while. 4 lines deleted] The haste in which some KUBARK interrogations have been conducted has not always been the product of impatience. 'International Monohull Open Class Association' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Admissions of complicity are not, to a CI service, ends in themselves but merely preludes to the acquisition of more information. Gottschelk observes, "Individuals under increased stress are more likely to respond to placebos. KUBARK’s shadowy past KUBARK was the product of the CIA’s “mind control” research programme, which was prompted by the terrible mistreatment of US … Their function is to cause capitulation, to aid in the shift from resistance to cooperation. An indicator guilty information or information that would be evidence of a individual or object that makes it that! Speak to each other other part in part VIII of this procedure as a of! Co., new York, 1959 counterintelligence Corps, Fort Holabird, investigative subjects,... 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