leadership research paper

Leadership effectiveness can be gauged in several ways: employee performance, turnover, and dissatisfaction. Task-oriented leaders set standards and objectives, define responsibilities, evaluate employees, and monitor compliance with their directives. 1990b. Avolio and his colleagues (2003) refer to this as “e-leadership.” Leadership effectiveness will depend on the leader’s ability to integrate the new technologies into the norms and culture of their organization. Calder, Bobby 1977. Who becomes the leader? For these leaders, leadership consists of giving direction, setting goals, and making unilateral decisions. Mentors often pave the way for their protégé’s success by providing opportunities for achievement, nominating them for promotion, and arranging for their recognition. 2005. Another important  aspect of the model is to what extent the support of followers is critical to successful outcomes. The League of Nations, created after the World War I, failed to meet the challenges of the times in large part because of a failure to secure effective leadership. Researchers found participative leadership to be most effective when subordinates were engaged in nonrepetitive, ego-involving tasks. 1–2). Question 3. He concluded that the individual who serves are not solely leaders but also followers. Ask NOT “How do leaders and followers differ from one another?” but “How can leadership models be reframed so they treat all members of a group as leaders and followers?” Although it is clear that to be a leader requires that you have followers, it is equally true that most leaders are at times followers and most followers are at times leaders. A Factorial Study of the Leader Behavior Descriptions. Military Executive Leadership. Hemphill, John 1950. It is important to recognize that charismatic leadership can have a dark side. Order Essay. Excerpt from Research Paper : Introduction The action plan to promote effective organizational change with an emphasis on conflict management policy for my organization has as its main goal the fostering of cohesiveness, communication, and dedication. Although highly intelligent people may be effective leaders, their followers may feel that large differences in intellectual abilities mean large differences in attitudes, values, and interests. However, intelligence is a two-edged sword. This trait approach was one of the first perspectives applied to the study of leadership and for many years dominated leadership research. +1-315 515-4588 Download 15-page research paper on "Ethical Leadership" (2021) ☘ … the past thirty years that business and political leaders are thoroughly mistrusted. 2000. He argues that a prerequisite to effective leadership is followership. When you think of leadership, the ideas of power, authority, and influence may come to mind. (1986). If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. Internal leadership development programs tend to focus on three major areas: the development of social interaction networks both between people within a given organization and between organizations that work with one another, the development of trusting relationships between leaders and followers, and the development of common values and a shared vision among leaders and followers. New leaders should take particular care in doing what’s right and telling the truth, even if it is painful. Great leaders of the past do seem different from ordinary human beings. 100 Years of Leadership Intervention Studies: A MetaAnalysis. When . Eagly, A. H. (1987). These leaders demonstrate inherent  motivation,  continuous  learning, shared risk, common lifestyle with their followers, competency, trust, and loyalty (Kolditz 2007). However, the similarities end there, and leadership definitions do not always fit into the applications for which they are used. The great man concept suggested that leaders possessed special traits or characteristics that allowed them to ascend above others and enhanced their ability to be leaders (Hollander and Offermann 1990b). In sum up, effective leaders have power over specific traits and show specific behaviors or styles of leadership. View Leadership Style Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. 2005. Conger, Jay , and Rabindra N. Kanungo. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 765–780. The third step provides a comprehensive plan for improvement that is usually shared with the leader’s immediate supervisor. In J. Carroll (Ed. In general, studies have demonstrated that leadership succession causes turbulence and instability resulting in performance decrements in most organizations and thus constitutes a major challenge to organizations. Hollander, Edwin P., and Lynn Offermann. Stogdill, Ralph 1948. Indeed, McNatt reported significant  differences in  the  effect  sizes across different leadership contexts, with the results stronger in the military, with men, and for followers for whom low expectations were initially held. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Leadership in organizations (4th ed.). First, Stogdill found  slightly higher intelligence measures for leaders, as well as positive relationships between leadership and adjustment, extroversion, and dominance. Research suggests that leadership emergence is an orderly process that reflects a rational group process whereby the individual with the most skill or experience or intelligence or capabilities takes charge. Bass and Avolio (1994) identified four components of transformational leadership. Leadership in organizations. A growing number of researchers have found that subordinates may affect leaders as much as leaders affect subordinates. Fiedler, F. E. (1964). Other theories suggest that leadership consists of specific skills and behaviors. 2004. White, Susan , and Edwin A. Locke. Six leadership styles common to many cultures were identified. Ethical leaders stimulate followers to think independently and to question the leader’s views. Studies  suggest that  researchers will  continue  to examine leadership in search of both an understanding of the thoughts and actions of leaders and improvements to organizational performance and motivation. LEADERSHIP RESEARCH PAPER. (1990). Also study: Leadership Research Paper Example At that time leaders must be remain calm and energetic as well as it has to make sure by the leaders that they are not going to be manage just a little task they are managing a whole team of different people that are working on the same goal. To this we might also add leaders who are “toxic.” Bad leadership can perpetuate misery on those who are subject to its domain. 277–307). However, women are much more likely to adopt a participative or transformational leadership style whereas men are more likely to be autocratic, laissez-faire, or transactional (Eagly & Johnson, 1990). These implicit theories also guide members in their evaluations of the leader’s effectiveness. Specifically, they found that intelligence, masculinity-femininity, and dominance were significantly related to followers’ perceptions of their leader’s  effectiveness. This sample Leadership Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. To maintain the exchange, leaders must be careful to nurture the relationship with the in-group, giving them sufficient power to satisfy their needs but not so much power that they become independent. Attributional Process of Leaders in Leader-member Interactions. Other factors that affect the quality of the relationship are the size of the group, availability of resources, and overall workload. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Shamir, Boas, Robert House, and Michael B. Arthur. 26 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 38 sources. In. In contrast, employee-oriented leaders identified with followers, exemplified openness, and showed concern for the well-being of subordinates. knowledge of leadership that I currently withhold. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. They are the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. (2007). New leaders should first learn to listen, and then provide leadership. Contingency and situational theories examine both the tasks and the follower characteristics to specify what behavior is required of effective leaders. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. How structured is the task? Special offer! In the 21st century, the study of leadership will be increasingly collaborative as researchers from multiple disciplines tackle the questions outlined above. Another contingency model deals with different aspects of leader-follower relationships. The trials involved in this rite of passage have serious consequences for both the individual and the organization. The leader solicits ideas and suggestions from subordinates and invites them to participate in decisions that directly affect them. Their followers often identify with the leader and his or her mission, show unswerving loyalty toward and confidence in the leader, and derive a sense of self-esteem from their association with the leader. Mann, Richard 1959. Murphy, S. E., & Ensher, E. A. In the words of Donald McGannon, “Leadership is action, not position.” The need for power is evident in the desire to influence others without using coercion. 2004). However, anyone can improve his or her leadership skills. A 1976 theory of charismatic leadership. “Leadership appears to be a working relationship among members in a group, in which the leader acquires status through active participation and demonstration of his or her capacity to carry cooperative tasks to completion” (Bass and Stogdill 1990, p. 77). Job Resignation as a Function of Role Orientation and Leader Acceptance: A Longitudinal Investigation of Organizational Assimilation. New leaders should operate in a learning mode. Sample Research Paper on Leadership in Business A transactional leader pays more attention to the leader and therefore the subjects are paid in terms of their compliance and effort. Fiedler’s model differentiates between task-oriented  and relationship-oriented leadership styles, but also measures ratings of the person with whom employees are least able to work. Third, situations influence the consequences of leader behavior. Transactional leaders use a contingent reward system, manage by exception, watch followers to catch them doing something wrong, and intervene only when standards are not met. Behavioral Theory of Charismatic Leadership in Organizational Settings. Lord, R. G., & Maher, K. J. Leadership is a trait which is not associated to the personal attributes of the individuals (Kur & Bunning, 2002). Leadership is a process that emerges from a relationship between leaders and followers. 2000. According to these theories, each member of a group comes to the group with a set of expectations and beliefs about leaders and leadership. Potter, Earl , William E. Rosenbach, and Thane S. Pittman. Judge, Timothy , and Ronald F. Piccolo. Leaders should be compelling in their ability to help others embrace the values that drive the group’s success. Submit Paper. In. With regard to bad leaders, Kellerman (2004) makes an important distinction between incompetent leaders and corrupt leaders. Unlocking the Mask: A Look at the Process by which Authentic Leaders Impact Follower Attitudes and Behaviors. House, R. J., Hanges, P. J., Javidan, M., Dorman, P. W., & Gupta, V. Gardner, William , Bruce J. Avolio, Fred Luthans, et al. The second step is an expert’s assessment of the leader’s strengths and weaknesses. Kellerman, B. Organization analysis: A sociological view. Networking promotes peer relationships and allows individuals with similar concerns and responsibilities to learn from one another ways to better do their job. The list of traits associated with effective leadership is extensive and includes personality characteristics such as being outgoing, assertive, and conscientious. Leaders provide vision, a sense of mission, and their trust in their followers. Fiedler found that the effectiveness of the leader-follower interaction was contingent upon the factors of leader-follower relationship, task structure, and leader position. Robert House (1977) developed a theory of charismatic leadership based on the premise that charisma has a distinct effect on followers. Followers as Partners: The Best Evidence of Good Leadership. Results showed that new-genre approaches to leadership had appreciably larger effects than those based on traditional leadership theories for both affective and cognitive dependent variables, while traditional theories had a slightly larger effect on more proximal behavioral outcomes. New York: McGraw-Hill. Project GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) is an extensive international project involving 170 researchers who have gathered data from 18,000 managers in 62 countries (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorman, & Gupta, 2004). In this stage, both the leader and member discover how the other wants to be respected. An  understanding  of  the  historical literature  and  the changing  philosophies behind  leadership  studies  add meaning and depth  to current integrated theories. Get discount 10% for the first order. The Behavioral Approach, VIII. Finally, achievement-oriented leadership was most effective when subordinates were engaged in ambiguous, nonrepetitive tasks. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. In this theory, path refers to the leader’s behaviors that are most likely to help the group attain a desired outcome or goal. In the face of uncertainties, being honest, direct, and truthful enables people to move forward with faith. The human side of enterprise. There was little evidence to  support  a relationship between leader behavior and leader effectiveness. The actions and personalities of leaders usually are reduced to messages about current events. A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. And because he takes no credit, credit never leaves him.”. By demonstrating competency, assisting the achievement of group goals, and conforming to group norms, leaders demonstrate commitment  to  the  group and  in turn earn credits (Chemers 1997). Transition, rotation, succession, change of command; all are words used to describe a central facet of organizational leadership—that leaders follow one another. 4, pp. As Napoleon once said, “Leaders are dealers in hope.” Although the idea of charismatic leadership goes back as far as biblical times (“Where there is no vision, the people perish”—Proverbs 29:18), its modern development can be attributed to the work of Robert House. Theorists have developed many different theories about leadership, and although none of the theories completely explains everything about leadership, each has received some scientific support. In this research paper, we examine these various theories and describe the process of leadership development. Authentic Leadership Development: Getting to the Root of Positive Forms of Leadership. New York: Free Press. Successful organizations that have the ability to change in positive directions have leaders who value and encourage partners, and followers who seek to become partners (Potter et al. Pfeffer, J. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help. The Ohio State studies referred to this as consideration, the Managerial Grid calls this country club leadership, and McGregor uses the term Theory Y. Person-oriented leaders see their followers as responsible, self-controlled, and intrinsically motivated. Over time, leaders develop a special relationship with an inner circle of trusted lieutenants, assistants and advisors—the in-group. All of these models have helped to develop an understanding  of  leadership complexities. Even though women do sometimes emerge as leaders, historically they have been excluded from the highest levels of leadership in both politics and business. As Edwin Hollander and Lynn Offermann (1990a) explained, transactional models focus on  the  follower’s perceptions of the leader’s actions. Allen, T. D., Eby, L. T., Poteet, M., Lima, L., & Lentz, E. (2004). House, R. J., & Mitchell, R. R. (1974). One of the first tasks of a new leader is building trust. The autonomous style involves being independent and making one’s own decisions. As a result, it is not uncommon for followers to demonstrate a bias toward those who fit the mold of a traditional leader: White, male, tall, and vocal, regardless of the qualifications of that individual to be the leader. Typical of external leadership development programs are the seminars offered by the American Management Association. The goal of the training is greater productivity, better decision making, increased morale, and focused culture change in the leader’s unique organizational environment. “Can You See the Real Me?” A Self-based Model of Authentic Leader and Follower Development. Twenty-two leadership traits (e.g., foresight and decisiveness) were identified as being desirable across all cultures. This theory holds that high levels of leader self-awareness,  self-regulation, and transparency, among other things, will increase the leader’s positive  effects on  their  followers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Academy of Management Review, 2, 104–112. Avolio, Bruce , and Jane M. Howell. Miller, Katherine , and Peter R. Monge. (2004). Ask NOT “What are the traits that define an effective leader?” but “How do leaders’ personal attributes interact with situational properties to shape outcomes?” This approach will require that we reduce our reliance on both fixed traits and complex contingencies. Andrew Halpin and Ben Winer (1957), while adapting the LBDQ for use in the U.S. Air Force, identified initiating structure and consideration as two fundamental dimensions of leader behavior. For example, there is strong empirical support for the trait approach when traits are organized according to the five-factor model of personality. 3 Leadership Research Paper Literature Review Robert Greenleaf was the first writer to describe the phrase servant leader. Avolio, Bruce , William L. Gardner, Fred O. Walumbwa, et al. Personal Factors Associated with Leadership: A Survey of the Literature. Look for the big picture and don’t become bogged down in implementation processes. This paper analyzes the leadership approach of two leaders, the founder of Amazon.com, Jeff Bezos, and the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, Jack Ma. In turn, followers increase their receptiveness and  add  legitimacy to  the  leader’s  influence (Hollander 1993). This approach examines the extent to which leaders should involve their subordinates in decision-making processes. 3 Leadership Research Paper Literature Review Robert Greenleaf was the first writer to describe the phrase servant leader. New leaders should think more strategically than tactically. To do this, we should embrace the idea that there are many different ways to achieve the same outcome. He came to two major conclusions. The subordinates are left to take and act on what the leader prescribes and have little or no role in decision making. As a leadership development tool, networking is designed to reduce the isolation of leaders and help them better understand the organization in which they work. They emphasize the importance of purpose, commitment, and ethical decision making. Although many popular books on leadership provide a checklist of activities in which the leader should engage, most of these lists disregard the impact of the situation. Finally, ethical leaders rely on internal moral standards to satisfy organizational and societal interests, not their own self-interests. Although behavioral approaches to leadership generated great interest, they also generated a number of controversies, including accusations of inconsistencies in findings (Bass and Stogdill 1990). If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. 205–282). Industrial and organizational psychology (pp. The second step is training, which varies depending on the leader’s management style. Authoritarian leaders have to direct on the visi… Administrative Science Quarterly, 16, 321–328. In this article the author discussed what leader effectiveness is and how it is measured based on outcomes. Therefore, if a company wants to grow really skilled managers, it should not be in a hurry with the assigning of young managers to responsible positions on the basis of their short-term success. It gives them hope. Leadership development programs tend to be of two types: internal programs within an organization, designed to strengthen the organization, and external programs that take the form of seminars, workshops, conferences, and retreats. According to House and Mitchell (1974), when style and situation are properly matched, there is greater job satisfaction and acceptance of the leader, as well as more effort toward obtaining desired goals. One important aspect of intelligence that does predict leader effectiveness is emotional intelligence, which includes not only social skills but strong self-monitoring skills, which provide the leader with feedback as to how followers feel about the leader’s actions. In. Free Leadership Essays and Papers. For example, several Pygmalion studies, with the exception of D.  Brian McNatt’s  (2000)  meta-analysis, have reported weak effect sizes when controlling for gender (Eden et al. If the person is the most important predictor of leadership success, then personnel selection matters most. In J. G. Hunt & L. L. Larson (Eds. Situational favorability is determined by three factors: the extent to which the task facing the group is structured, the legitimate power of the leader, and the relations between the leader and his subordinates. Relations Between the Size of the Group and the Behavior of “Superior” Leaders. Journal of Contemporary Business, 3, 81–97. Later, Francis Galton expounded on this concept in Hereditary  Genius (1869), where he argued that reputation flows from heredity. They argued that this approach is useful because certain combinations of task and relationship behaviors may be more effective in certain situations than in others. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 233–256. Find at least three Internet sites (sources) Wikipedia is NOT an accepted source – about the person. The Journal of Research on Leadership Education (JRLE) provides an international venue for scholarship and discourse on the teaching and learning of leadership across the many disciplines that inform the field of educational leadership. They stimulate others to discard outmoded assumptions and beliefs and to explore new perspectives and ways of doing things. In G. Lindzey & E. Aronson (Eds. Typically these prototypes include both task and relationship skills as well as an expectation that the leader will epitomize the core values of the group. First, researchers do not consider traits as separate and distinct contributors to leadership effectiveness but rather as a constellation of characteristics that, taken together, make a good leader. A meta-analysis by Allen, Eby, Poteet, Lima, and Lentz (2004) indicated that individuals who were mentored showed greater organizational commitment, lower turnover, higher career satisfaction, enhanced leadership skills, and a better understanding of their organization. This sample leadership research paper features: 7900 words (approx. He examined 124 studies to determine the characteristic differences between leaders and followers. Based on argument, the effective leadership is important and does effect on organizational outcomes. As many definitions of leadership exist as do authors who have studied the concept. Read the paper description carefully and determine what the reader wants to find in your essay. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership.” In the special issue of the American Psychologist devoted to leadership, Warren Bennis (2007) suggests that the four most important threats facing our world today are these: (a) a nuclear or biological catastrophe; (b) a worldwide pandemic; (c) tribalism and its cruel offspring, assimilation; and (d) leadership of our human institutions. Search Previous slide < About this journal. These examples remind us that there are many ways in which leadership can fail. In a review of leadership research, Stogdill (1974, p.259) concluded that there are “almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept” - and that was 30 years ago! In this report a discussion will be presented about the role of the leaders in aligning the employees of the organization. They also possess the technical expertise to understand what their followers must do. He wrote, “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on…” The genius of good leaders is to leave behind them a situation that common sense, without the grace of genius, can deal with successfully. The circumstance in which leader-follower interaction takes place plays a major role in the process of leadership. Overall, as the study of traits and attributes in relation to leadership continued,  the  beginnings of the  study of leadership as a behavioral phenomenon began. Initial findings that intelligences correlated with leadership led researchers toward searching for additional nonintellective traits that might be predictors of behavioral tendencies (Chemers 1997). Another theory that addresses the relation between leadership style and the situation is path-goal theory (House, 1971). The process of managing teams and ensuring their effectiveness requires the presence of the leader who can motivate and provide a vision for their subordinates. Weber proposed that charisma can occur when a leader with certain qualities emerges during a crisis to propose a new vision (Weber 1946). Like previous researchers, Fiedler’s idea of leadership style included task orientation and person orientation, although his approach for determining a leader’s orientation was unique. The ethics of charismatic leadership: Submission or liberation? The first major organizational challenges for the foreseeable future in this century are globalization of organizational membership. Implanting Pygmalion Leadership Style through WorkshopTraining: Seven Field Experiments. This research paper has endeavored to provide the grounding needed to understand and undertake the leadership challenges facing organizations in the 21st century. It is the process by which others are motivated to contribute to the success of the groups of which they are members. The study of leadership is not only a search for understanding the thoughts and actions of leaders, but also an investigation into how to improve the performance and motivation of both  individuals and  groups. The idea is to advance the employees’ personal qualities and professional qualifications with a sense of the corporate vision and motivation. This paper ends with a conclusion summarizing the research followed by possible recommendations. Bass, B. M. (1990). Charles de Gaulle described this last trait best when he noted that “A true leader always keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless.”. The first job of a leader is to define a vision for the organization.…Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Effective leaders are able to project a vision, explaining to their subordinates the purpose, meaning, and significance of their efforts. Hersey and Blanchard used the terms task behaviors and relationship behaviors and sought to explain why leadership effectiveness varies across these two dimensions. Peer reviewed paper presented at the Gallop Leadership Institute Summit, Omaha, NE. The leader has total control over the group, and the subjects have a little freedom. This sample leadership research paper features: 7900 words (approx. Leadership: Do Traits Matter? Bass, Bernard , and Ralph M. Stogdill. Whereas leaders, be they navy admirals or football coaches, receive credit or blame for the activities of their followers, success or failure is often the result of external forces: the actions of others, changing technologies, or environmental conditions. As a result of the readings/videos, assignments, and discussions I was enlightened that situational factors can a strong effect on leadership. Fiedler’s  contingency  model  proposes that  leader effectiveness is a function of the match between the leader and specific situational factors, including position power, task structure, and leader-member relations. Applied and directs on the block, the handbook of social psychology ( 2nd,... Most recent developments in the process of doing things treating individual followers differently making one ’ s zeitgeist suggests. Leader-Member exchange theory, and the organization typical of external leadership development is multimillion-dollar. Findings appear consistent with the core focus of these models emphasize persuasive influence of. Training seminars are held annually in cities across the country and address both general leadership skills as well work-related... Must exhibit different behaviors to reach different goals, depending on the,! 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