my achievements as a student

See, the more detailed you write them, the more you’ll stand out. ", This is an excellent achievement! Planned, organized and executed hiring events partnering with 12 local community organizations; facilitated and delivered presentations showcasing Novorésumé career opportunities. In the past, I have always utilized my sales knowledge to launch highly powerful, revenue-generating campaigns; however, this particular campaign was off the charts. ", "My greatest achievement was winning the North American Top Manager award three years in a row. It’s pretty obvious that you did sales - you do, after all, work in sales. Since graduating I have been able to work in a couple of great clinics with excellent references. I attribute this success to my willingness to work overtime, and my mentorship-based approach to staff training and development. The professional relationship we have built is one that I find vitally important to my own professional growth and to the growth of my school. ", "The achievement that I am most proud of, so far, was completing my undergrad, top of my class. E.g. Managed 5 different projects with a budget over $ 100.000. ", "I would say my greatest achievement is the highly successful marketing campaign that I created for my agency's largest client. The sales process required to know lot of information and use of different systems that will require more than years of experience. percentages of students attaining NAEP achievement levels. I plan to learn how everyone prefers to communicate. Managed data integrity within the applicant tracking system, ensuring timely entry and visibility of recruitment activity within ATS/CRM technologies. Hired and onboarded 15 servers and bartenders over the past 4 years. Managed to reduce Company X’s Search Ads average CPC while maintaining same conversion rate, saving them $2k in monthly ad spend. When were you able to resolve a problem within work. Substantial student loan forgiveness does a disservice to Americans who saw through myth of a credential as the only way to economic achievement. You should list your achievements in the following sections on your resume: Now, let’s cover each section one by one. “ I have worked closely with my ANet coach for the past 6 or 7 school years. ", "I was very proud when I achieved my first employee of the month award. For more examples, check out our guide to the project manager resume. While maintaining very strong grades, I was also President of our school's Diversity Club, and I spent time volunteering at the local Smile drive. You can mention achievements in your resume summary and work experience section. ", " After months of studying I passed my national licensure examination and became licensed in the state of California on my first try. Instructors can create opportunities for you to earn recognition for your accomplishments. When you complete them, you earn a reward in the form of badges and certificates. For 16 months, I often stayed late to make additional sales calls and would go on-site to dormant accounts one to two days per week. Winning this award was a great confirmation that my dedication to my company and my team is well-balanced. Admissio… It's an award that you must be nominated for by the school leadership. Your interviewer will be interested to learn that your work ethic and deliverables are stellar, and your coworkers consult you; however, you will have many chances to share this information for other interview questions. Find guides to this achievement here. In April, Palo Alto College was named as a Rising Star award winner of … Cold-called 20+ potential clients on a daily basis, with a closing rate of 10% to 20%. How many clients/customers did you work with? This way, your resume is focused on how you stand out and not on what your job title is. Implemented and streamlined cutting-edge data management procedures, improving the operational efficiency of the company by 5%. ", "As a for profit childcare center, I saw on your website that there has been a lot of programming related to volunteering for the community. As such, I create subject matter files and file all appropriate records while reviewing all files periodically. In addition, I needed an assistant to provide care for me, and it took lots of time to find someone. Gain the confidence you need by asking our professionals any interview scenario, question, or answer you are unsure about. For more examples, check out our guide to the high school resume. It's about being a good father, a good husband, just being connected to family as much as possible. It was a lot of long hours and late nights but I am very proud of myself for that accomplishment. Some days, I would put in 20 hours between work and school. Here’s what your average resume summary looks like: “Experienced project manager with 5+ years of work experience seeking a position at Company X. The solution here is pretty straightforward: just reach out to your previous employer and ask for the data. Knowing that I have come this far setting an example for my younger siblings is a great feeling! Explore expert tips and resources to be more confident in your next interview. When listing achievements, make sure they include time frame, scale, and results. Those achievements in middle, high school or college student life may include personal academic achievements and sports or extracurricular achievements. How many times a week did you work on this task? I have 2 achievements, I’m so proud of it. You can see which rewards you've earned and what is … I work 6 days in a week and Friday is a only free day. Worked with a team of 3 accountants, creating financial reports for all company activities composed of 8 departments. Published 16 research papers in several peer-reviewed journals, Published a book on the subject of machine learning, Most classes taught managed to perform 30% better on standardized tests than school average. When I was fifteen year old, I gracefully pitched a no hitter in a Little League baseball game. The HR manager has no way of knowing which one it was! ", "I generally enjoy a sweet spot between an extensive shot list and free reign. For more examples, check out our guide to the financial analyst resume. For more examples, check out our guide to the bar manager resume. Led the digital transformation project, adopting software to help with marketing, accounting, and HR duties at Company X. My greatest challenge was also my greatest accomplishment, which was to enroll in Kapiolani Community College and graduate perfectly. When I see my diploma, I see myself as a successful person, and I count it as a life achievement. On the Create Achievement page, type a name. Managed a monthly ad budget of over $20,000. Converted data into actionable insights by predicting and modeling future outcomes, that increased revenue by 10% last year. Allowing you to craft perfect responses for your next job interview. Trained and supervised 5 other cashiers over a period of 2 years at Company X. Your response is a perfect way to tie in your community involvement with your personal achievements. When you are asked about your greatest achievement, the interviewer will be curious to hear about something specific like an award, a raving performance review, a time you met a challenging goal, a promotion, or something else, like your ability to adapt and thrive in multiple careers. ", "When I decided to become a paramedic, I knew that it would be a process. Established new key partnerships with Company X and Company Y, resulting in a 20% increase in annual revenue. Successfully managed the development of several software projects, including Project A and Project B.”. I gave myself a time frame for school and was realistic about how I would be able to complete the training while working full time. Received 90%+ positive feedback from private tutoring students. Research shows that there is only half as much variation in student achievement between schools as there is among classrooms in the same school. It was an honor to have led that initiative. The project in question was (X further similar detail regarding the project related to the position you applied for, as per the job posting (such as similar duties)). Your achievements appear in content areas and in the achievements tool. Defined growth strategy, hired software and marketing team, and set goals and expectations. I want to reach the zenith in Computing and Information Technology space. ", "One of my proudest achievements was to graduate the top of my class in college while working a full time job. Got the employee of the month award for June, August, and December. "One of my proudest achievements was to graduate the top of my class in college while working a full time job. Graduating high school. Students are notified. My Personal Achievements Things that happen to us in the beginning of our lives, during the childhood, very often have a great impact on our entire existence in this world. I helped make your response a complete sentence. Our interview questions are created by writers, most of whom have a long history of recruiting and interviewing candidates. Improved product sales by 12%, which led to a 20% increase in annual revenue. I hope you take a few minutes to reflect on your personal achievements and see how far you’ve come. When possible, you should also include the results that followed your achievements. Participated in community affairs to increase branch visibility and to enhance new and existing business opportunities. They do not necessarily have experience interviewing or working with the companies, careers or schools they may write for on Grew Company X monthly organic traffic from 0 to 200,000 within 2 years. If you don’t have much work experience, you can also use achievements in education, volunteering, or projects sections. For more examples, check out our guide to the customer service resume. For more examples, check out our guide to the architect resume. The first shows how, exactly, you stand out from the rest. ", "The achievement I am the most proud of is managing a project involving numerous animals on a very tight deadline (... detailed information pertaining to this project, such as the company name, and so on). Started a partnership program, kick-started work with 4 implementation partners in Europe. I found that very interesting and I would love to continue and expand that initiative. Perhaps you have received awards or accolades in the workplace or during your post-secondary education. These resume achievements examples get you started. My Achievements as a Student. This year we proudly support 940 schools serving 330,000 students in 26 states. Different level of punishment. I am very proud of that achievement, and the situation taught me a great deal about accountability, time-blocking, and prioritization. Listing accomplishments in the work experience section is the most common way to go: You should also include achievements in your resume summary. ", "I was teaching private sessions with a student who had cancer. Scale Scores. Now, here’s what happens if we add an achievement or two... “Experienced project manager with 5+ years of work experience seeking a position at Company X. Where one of them was deciding and developing one of our nation's biggest municipalities. I lacked enough sleep and was tired all the time from studying while I was a college student. Create an achievement. Different level of understanding. All Rights Reserved. I had to get out there … And the best thing that can happen to a man in his early years is some kind of revelation that would show him what he is supposed to do in his life. After all, they’re the one that wrote your job description! Don’t forget to follow our career blog for some industry-leading career advice! The subject that I enjoy but I am not really good at is History. ", "I'd say it was becoming a subject matter expert at my last job. See, most job-seekers only talk about their responsibilities and day-to-day tasks. It made me feel exceptional that my students and their families loved the program so much that they would come out to show their support. I am proud of my reputation in the industry as well. Led Facebook ad lead generation campaigns, driving 20+ leads for the sales team on a monthly basis, at a .7 CPC and $9 CPA. My foremost dream in life is to be acknowledged and congratulated for my academic achievements. These opportunities are called achievements. ", "At Company ABC, I earned the fastest promotion to Sales Manager in the organizations' history. For more examples, check out our guide to the IT resume. Unless you were actively keeping track of your results at your job, you probably don’t know how much impact, exactly, did your work have. So, when possible, each of your achievements should include: This is a very common question among job-seekers. I love to start out with a brief shot list covering the essentials and the VIPs, and from there I like to capture less staged moments and explore additional potential. The college life gave me an opportunity to meet many students from different walks of life and enhance my socialization skills. It felt really good to be able to help enhance his quality of life and help him have a more positive outlook. "My greatest achievement is my college degree and certificate. The second answer is going to be more memorable and more impressive, so that’s why you should review your own story/example you plan on … Managed to reduce customer churn by 15% using collected data to perform a forecast analysis of when customers would churn. Wonderful. B) “My greatest accomplishment is graduating in the top 3% of my class of over 2,000 students last year, with a GPA of 3.88”. Consulted in the redesign of a company’s website, resulting in a 25% increase in traffic. Copyright © 2021 Novorésumé ApS. If you want your child to get the best education possible, it is actually more important to get him assigned to a great teacher than to a great school. For more examples, check out our guide to the data analyst resume. ", "Last year, my school district was doing a referendum and proposed cutting funding to the elementary Spanish program. First of all, I graduated from faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University with 2nd class honors (GPAX 3.34). Previous experience includes working at Company Y, developing software for clients such as Client A and Client B.”. ", "So far, my most significant achievement was graduating university top of my class while working full time. "My greatest achievement so far has been graduating from Culinary school, because it gave me the education and the confidence to get promoted to full time at my current job. Listing achievements instead of responsibilities can really boost your chances of getting hired. When listing achievements, make sure they include time frame, scale, and results; Finally, if you’re having difficulty writing your achievements, just scroll up and steal some of the ones we mentioned! I performed in the ‘Noah’s Ark’ opera at school as one of the main characters 3. Maintained a 3.7 GPA throughout my time at school, Short story published in the school paper, Worked part-time as a cashier while studying, managing to juggle two responsibilities seamlessly over the years. I would like to fix that for you, first thing. ", "So far, my biggest career achievement has been winning the 'Superintendent of the Year' award in our region. It was a lot of long hours and late nights but I am very proud of myself for that accomplishment. You should be very proud of your accomplishment! In my view, my definition of achievement is “reaching to the goals”. I realized that if I was going to achieve anything in life I had to be aggressive. ", "My greatest career achievement to date has been how quickly I was promoted to a team lead position in my most recent role. Why are achievements and accomplishments so important? Well— Imagine you’re buying a car. As a student I do my best and work very hard so I could be a Medical Doctor in the future. Since graduating I have been able to work in a couple of great clinics with excellent references. E.g. different level of wisdom. Sourced qualified candidates utilizing various web technologies, social media, resume databases and referrals from networking events while reducing the hiring costs by 35%. Provided a superior level of customer relations, promoted the sales and service culture through coaching, guidance and staff motivation. The first is OK, but it’s not nearly detailed enough. “We’re not looking for perfection or super achievement, but progress—a notable accomplishment for that child,” says fifth grade teacher Amy Bernard when asked how teachers decide which behaviors to recognize. For more examples, check out our guide to the administrative assistant resume. 1. Managed 3 software projects end-to-end. Yep - there’s a RIGHT way to list achievements. They may be greatest, the best or the bad but we never forget them. In my career, there's many things I've won and many things I've achieved, but for me, my greatest achievement is my children and my family. Volunteer efforts are very important to many employers. "I have been an officer of several organizations that I have belonged to. always a great starting point and you’d be surprised at the number of candidates who never seem to stop to think The hiring manager knows EXACTLY what responsibilities you have for your profession. What you can do, though, is list your achievements in several other sections, such as: Here are 101 achievements you can steal (for different positions): For more examples, check out our guide to the sales associate resume. This is specific and shows off a very important success. This allowed me to help many engineers solve problems every day.". For more examples, check out our guide to the computer science resume. Resume, CV and Cover Letter Writing Expert, How to Write a Resume | 2021 Beginner's Guide, How to Write a Cover Letter & Get the Job [5+ Real-Life Examples], How to list achievements on your resume (and get the job), 101+ achievements to you can use (30+ professions covered!). ", "My greatest achievement to date has been raising money and awareness for a local charity that supports the children of addicted mothers. I was proud of myself for earning this recognition, and I also received accolades from the VP of Sales in front of the entire company. Revamped the copy for the Company X website, increasing conversions by 20%. E.g. Reached out to and made deals with new office supply providers, cutting annual supply costs by 20%. Participated in all phases of the design and construction process on 6 major international projects, including Project A and Project B. Emma Ayers Opinion contributor They’re the best 50 accomplishments to put on a resume. Updated the business continuity plan and created a 3 year disaster recovery plan for Company X. Over the past 5 years, successfully completed 6 projects from start to finish, generating a total of $600,000 in revenue. Worked as a single point of contact for over 15+ clients, answering all their requests and questions in a timely manner. A Top 50 List Of My Achievements 1. i want to live loooong after my records have fallen, long after my rings have tarnished. Next, you mentioned that there is a severe backlog on article topics. I got rated very highly for an art project at school which in turn led me to meet the prime minister 2. The parents of my students rallied and made such a ruckus at the board meetings that the Spanish department remained intact and fully funded. The second challenge i have to face is long working hours. But that’s not what’s going to make you stand out. The biggest challenge i have to face in my job is lack of experience. Not procrastinating and putting my education on the back burner has become my greatest achievement. It was a delightful event that had a great impact on me. So do awards on resumes. ", "I am the first person in my family to graduate from college. It was a very successful project and my employer and client were highly satisfied of the finished product. Utilized Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager and implemented new scripts that increased performance by 25%. I set a deadline for when I wanted to complete my certification and studied hard to get there. Examples Of Personal Achievements Personal Achievements Personal achievements can include charitable work, entrepreneurial success, … After just five sessions, my client shared how he felt more energetic and motivated. Now, I manage the third-largest department in the store. As a result, I developed strong time management skills that will undoubtedly enable me to thrive in this role at your company. ", "I would like to accomplish a few things in my first 90 days. Helped Company X stay within the budget for the past 3 years in a row. ", "When I enrolled in college to become a court clerk I knew it would take me awhile as I was only able to attend night classes. Improved SAT and ACT scores by 40% for the average student. Publish guidelines (rubrics) for high-quality work, … Around 70% of the content we published is now ranking page 1 of Google. Managed an annual budget of $400,000 for a period of 7 years. It is a result that you personally bring about while fulfilling a particular role. Before your interview, make a comprehensive list of your career achievements. As a result, I developed strong time management skills that will undoubtedly enable me to thrive in this role. All it says is that you’ve worked as a project manager for 5+ years in 2 companies. Developed company procedures and guidelines for data analysis and security that increased efficiency by 30% in the first six months after implementation. My greatest achievement that I feel proud of happened ten years ago. Hit and exceeded sales KPIs by 30% for the months of October, November, and December in 2019, Sent 200+ cold emails on a daily basis, managing to set up calls with 10% of the recipients, Maintained a customer satisfaction rate of 95% for 2019, Carried out retention calls with unsatisfied customers, convincing 20% of them to keep using the software. I included some of the marketing results in my portfolio if you would like to take a look. Good answer! "I would say my greatest career achievement to date was increasing subscribers counts annually by 3%-5% for the business product lines I was responsible for. They should be more than happy to send it over! Moving forward, though, we’d recommend really keeping track of your results and achievements in your next job. I hope my graduation from college will serve to motivate other young people from my family and community. ", "The achievement I am the most proud of is managing a very large project on a very tight deadline (... detailed information pertaining to this project, such as the company name, and so on). For more examples, check out our guide to the business development resume. What achievements for resumes work best? What’s “significant?” You could’ve improved sales by selling ONE extra product, or you could have lifted company revenue by 10%. Managed cross-department teams of 15+ people. Maintained an ad spend ROI of 1.8 for Company X’s ad campaigns over the past 3 months. Took 8 active building projects from research to development to completion in under 2 years. Improved error documentation systems, resulting in increased workplace efficiency and reduced yearly labor costs of $2,000. You managed to hit KPIs (which is good) AND exceed them (even better) for 5 months in a row (amazing!). Worked hand-in-hand with clients to help design their dream-house. Schools … "My greatest professional achievement has been earning my ASCP MT License.". That was really special. This is my greatest sports achievement because it was the last significant time I actually was a pitcher. While maintaining very strong grades, I was also President of our school's Diversity Club, and I spent time volunteering at the local vision drive. Over what timeframe did you work on the task? How many people did you manage/work with? From this experience, I have learned to actively work for change and have the willingness to influence other people for a constantly changing society.". E.g. If you don’t have much work experience, you can also use achievements in education, volunteering, or projects sections. In school are the part of best school life years user engagement by over 60 % Facebook! 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