transcriptome sequencing vs genome sequencing

Whole-genome re-sequencing and transcriptome reveal key genes related to Cd tolerance Whole-genome re-sequencing showed that 543 SNPs were identified between the genome … Field Crops Res. The pathway of nitrogen metabolism was also identified from the yellow module. Plant Sci. However, transcriptional consequences from these genomic alterations in cancer genome remain unclear. with whole-genome sequencing. Theor. Log(FC)_ER represents Log2FCCY6203/CH3203 of panicle samples 3 days after heading. 3 and Supplementary Table S2), which involved 7473 genes. The enrichment results were visualized by ggPlot267. The approaches to transcriptome and genome de novo assembly would be accceptable, but this is a question for Google. The term transcriptome is a portmanteau of the words transcript and genome; it is associated with the process of transcript production during the biological process of transcription. 3 and 4 represent panicle samples 3 days after heading. RNA sequencing refers to the sequencing procedure of Ribonucleic acids (RNA); the transcriptome. Biochem. 3a nitrate transporters to provide uptake over high and low concentration ranges. What process and input data is required for a cellranger reference transcriptome? Sano, Y. Methods 9, 357 (2012). Genome vs. Exome. et al. The total DNA of the two parents was extracted with the Plant Genome DNA Extraction kit. Tanaka, N. et al. Google Scholar. In order to evaluate the robustness of our … The cycle threshold values for each gene were normalized against the expression level of the rice Actin gene with the primer sequences 5′-CCACTATGTTCCCTGGCATT-3′ and 5′-GTACTCAGCCTTGGCAATCC-3′. Song, Q., Wang, Y., Qu, M., Ort, D. R. & Zhu, X. G. The impact of modifying photosystem antenna size on canopy photosynthetic efficiency—development of a new canopy photosynthesis model scaling from metabolism to canopy level processes. Recently, long-read sequencing technology has enabled us to obtain full-length transcriptome profiles. Flow cells Kits & sample prep. The results suggest that the high yield of CY6203 should be primarily determined by heterosis in SPW/D and ANSPP, while its high quality maybe attributable to the balance among traits AC, ASV, and GC. Proc. ANNOVAR51 was used for the SNP/InDel annotation. When the Euclidean distance was 1.0, 19 modules were divided into three groups (Supplementary Fig. Positive OMPHs were observed in SPW (8.85%), PL (11.3%), ANSPP (27.77%), HRR (11.54%), AC (44.63%), and ASV (6.15%). To characterize common DEGs between CY6203 and its parents, Venn diagrams were drawn by Ramaswami, G. et al. What is the difference between a transcriptome and a genome? Microsatellites and a single-nucleotide polymorphism differentiate apparentamylose classes in an extended pedigree of US rice germ plasm. Rep. 27, 162–176 (2009). 45, W122–W129 (2017). Epigenetic regulation of circadian-mediated changes in chlorophyll biosynthesis and starch metabolism is a direct reason for growth vigour in plant hybrids1. Y: Sward leaf samples 7 days before heading. RNA editing referred to variants on the mRNA level through InDel or base substitutions58,59. Whole-Genome vs. Whole-Exome Sequencing vs. Google Scholar. E: Panicle samples 3 days after heading. Summary Genome sequencing … 106, 21760–21765 (2009). Differential gene and transcript expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with TopHat and Cufflinks. Biological samples (tissues, blood, etc) preserved for RNA extraction and total RNAs (RIN>7, 3 DEGs in hybrid rice CY6203 and its parents. PubMed Google Scholar. S3D). Nucleotide sequence of rice waxy gene. 38, e164–e164 (2010). 2 and Table 1). How many tests to include when using Page object model. Although two well-known genes controlling the grain number per panicle, Gn1a25 and Gnp426,40, without variants between CH3203 and C106B, showed middle-parent and over-parent expression levels in CY6203 at the booting stage, respectively (Supplementary Table S11). 144, 2009–2023 (2007). Commun. Google Scholar. A genome-wide transcription analysis reveals a close correlation of promoter INDEL polymorphism and heterotic gene expression in rice hybrids. Between CY6203 and its parents, there was a high significant difference (p < 0.01) except for PL, TGW, and ASV. Chen, L. et al. Picardi, E., Derchia, A. M., Montalvo, A. The DNA/cDNA libraries were sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 4000 by Gene Denovo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Based on the Nipponbare reference genome MSU 7, the SNP/InDel variants between CH3203 and C106B were identified and filtered (MAPQ ≥ 25) by SAMtools50. Li, B. PubMed Central  The key difference between microarray and RNA sequencing is that microarray i… Transcriptome is dynamic and a good representative of the cellular state. We remove no significant DEGs between F1 (CY6203) and its parents (C106B and CH3203) in panicles and flag leaves at booting, flowering, and middle filling stages. (2017). Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Bioinformatics 29, 1830–1831 (2013). In principle, the concepts behind Sanger vs. next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are similar. Fujita, N. et al. The \(\overline{{{\text{FPKM}}}}_{{{\text{CH}}3203\,{\text{or}}\,{\text{C}}106{\text{B}}}} \) is the mean FPKM value of a gene in the CH3203 or C106B transcript. The third panicle sampling was conducted 15 days after heading. Method for combined genome and transcriptome sequencing from the same single cell shows that copy number variations influence cell-to-cell variability in gene expression levels. and JavaScript. Trends Plant Sci. Recently, single-molecule long-read sequencing technology enabling long sequencing reads (up to 60 kb) have been developed for use in transcriptome sequencing . Wei, G. et al. Nucleic Acids Res. The frequency of mRNA editing ratios of each sample of CY6203 followed normal distribution (Fig. 106, 7695–7701 (2009). The average frequency of mRNA editing loci of 15 samples of C106B was 8.13 per Mb, and that of CH3203 was 7.94 per Mb, and that of CY6203 was 63.05 per Mb. Genome 54, 448–459 (2011). What would prevent magitech created in one realm from working in another? CAS  Though CH3203 and C106B were pure lines, a small amount of mRNA editing phenomena occurred. PLoS ONE 7, e52030 (2012). Field management followed normal procedures for rice. Zhu, X.-G., Long, S. P. & Ort, D. R. Improving photosynthetic efficiency for greater yield. Jin, J. et al. 2 and OsNRT2. And its planted area had quickly reached 200,000 hectares in rice area of southwest China. Google Scholar. PeerJ Comput. Among these genes, Wx and SSII-3 are the two essential genes that affect AC, GC, and GT. Deregulated gene expression is a hallmark of cancer; however, most studies to date have analyzed short-read RNA sequencing data with inherent limitations. The term RNA-Seq is frequently inaccurately used, as RNA is not directly sequence… The module eigengene value was calculated and used to test the association of each module with each of 43 samples. Among RRL techniques, two main approaches are widely used today: the RAD-seq approach Syst. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Hirano, H. Y., Eiguchi, M. & Sano, Y. In this QC report, we show representative library QC and sequencing QC and mapping metrics that will be provided to the customer for whole transcriptome … Severe reduction in growth rate and grain filling of rice mutants lacking OsGS1; 1, a cytosolic glutamine synthetase1; 1. We are often asked the question: “Should I use RNA Sequencing or Microarrays for my gene expression study?”The answer is of course… “It depends”. Grey 60 (88 genes), yellow (1574 genes), green-yellow (298 genes), and midnight blue (186 genes) modules were merged into one group, and tan (292 genes), red (1198 genes), black (706 genes), pink (673 genes), blue (2905 genes), and purple (337 genes) modules were combined into another group, and the remaining modules were classified into the other group. Of these values, OFPHs of agronomic traits were all positive. 2). Recent studies applying high-throughput sequencing technologies have identified several recurrently mutated genes and pathways in multiple cancer genomes. AC is significantly negatively correlated with GC and ASV/GT, and GC is significantly positively correlated with GT41. How can I restore and keep a built-in cutting board in good condition? The flag leaf samples were named Y6203, Y3203, and Y106B, and the panicle samples were named S6203, S3203, and S106B, respectively. The rice R2R3-MYB transcription factor OsMYB55 is involved in the tolerance to high temperature and modulates amino acid metabolism. According to the annotation of the cloned genes (Fig. The automatic one-step network construction and module detection method with default settings were carried out, including an unsigned type of topological overlap matrix (TOM), a power β of 18 (R Squared Cut = 0.85), a minimum module size of 30, and a branch merge cut height of 0.25. You can think your genome is like a cooking recipe. Plant Cell 23, 3276–3287 (2011). Rui-zhen, Z. et al. Yamanaka, S., Nakamura, I., Watanabe, K. N. & Sato, Y. In brief, the “genome” is the collection of all DNA present in the nucleus and the mitochondria of a somatic cell. Update the question so it's on-topic for Bioinformatics Stack Exchange. believed that numerous superior alleles contributed to heterosis, but only a small number of loci with strong overdominance affected heterosis in hybrids; for example, Ehd1, Hd1, Ghd7, and OsSoc1 strongly affected heading date, and Gn1, Ghd7, and OsSPL14 affected grain number, and qSW5 and Wx affected chalky grain rate4. Hirano, H. Y. The general strategy of the tef genome and transcriptome sequencing, annotation and analysis is shown in Figure 1.The early-maturing improved variety of tef, Tsedey (DZ-Cr-37), was selected for genome sequencing … Researchers have frequently attempted to reveal the genetic mechanism of heterosis, and have proposed several classical genetic models, such as dominance, over-dominance, epistasis, and non-additive gene expression1. Genome sequencing and transcriptome analysis of Geotrichum citri-aurantii on citrus reveal the potential pathogenic- and guazatine-resistance related genes. Article  Therefore, heterozygosity is generally a prerequisite for gene expression and phenotypic variation in hybrids1. The nucleotide sequence of the exons of a gene represents the genetic code of the gene to synthesize the specific protein. Chen et al.5 concluded that the overdominant effect probably contributed to the grain number heterosis of WFYT025. SYBR-based qRT-PCR analyses were performed on ABI Step One Plus according to the protocol (ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix) provided by the manufacturer (Vazymebiotech Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China). Scientific Reports Then, by comparing the variant types of CH3203 and C106B at the same position, different variant type sites were selected, and the number of different SNP/InDel per 200 kb was calculated. The GC contents of CH3203 and C106B were 43.29% and 40.73%, respectively. Sci. For over a hundred years, researchers have been exploring the molecular mechanism of heterosis, starting from the previously proposed hypotheses of dominance, over-dominance, and epistasis to later transcriptome analysis at gene expression levels1. Plant Cell Rep. 32, 183–193 (2013). Biol. Distribution of frequency of mRNA editing ratios among hybrid rice CY6203 and its parents in leaves or panicles. These new genomic variation maps will … The three important traits for cooking and eating quality of rice grains are controlled by a single locus in an elite rice hybrid, Shanyou 63. Proc. Chen, Z. J. Molecular mechanisms of polyploidy and hybrid vigor. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. RNA-Seq includes transcriptome sequencing (polyadenylated RNA), "all" RNA sequencing (include rRNA and non-coding RNA) and variant for various non-coding small RNA sequencing. Second, both strands are always sequenced in genome sequencing, but RNA-seq can be strand-specific. Research Real-time DNA and RNA sequencing — from portable to high-throughput devices. 34, 1360–1372 (2011). 2, 507–516 (2004). Article  Rep. 5, 8750 (2015). Each material was planted in five rows with 10 plants per row. Metagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. Thus, the coordinated expression of DEGs in the green-yellow module can improve the photosynthetic efficiency and nitrogen utilization efficiency of CY6203. The GO terms of the green-yellow module were significantly enriched in GO:0015979 (photosynthesis; FDR = 3.6E−07), GO:0019684 (photosynthesis, light reaction; FDR = 5.8E−03), and GO:0009765 (photosynthesis, light-harvesting; FDR = 1.4E−04) (Supplementary Fig. Plant Cell Environ. Nat. S8). Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Nat. PubMed Central  The first samples were collected seven days before heading, including flag leaves and panicles. agriGO v2.0: a GO analysis toolkit for the agricultural community, 2017 update. 2, 9). Guangjun Ren. However among coexpressed DEGs, the ratio of upregulated DEGs between CY6203 and CH3203 was greater than that of DEGs between CY6203 and C106B (Fig. Natl. Recent papers have also shown that the long-read sequencing achieves approximately 90% … The edgeR package57 was applied to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among all samples. performed the field management, DNA and RNA extraction, and phenotypic analysis; J.L.X. Comparison of Waxy gene regulation in the endosperm and pollen in Oryza sativa L. Genes Genet. Genetic analysis for the grain number heterosis of a super-hybrid rice WFYT025 combination using RNA-Seq. Rice is one of the world's major crops and is the staple food of more than half of the world's population. Article  Want to improve this question? Serial analysis of gene expression study of a hybrid rice strain (LYP9) and its parental cultivars. 9). site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. 5B). 5A), which might indicate the balanced expression of some related quality genes of C106B and CH3203 in CY6203. Due to lacking of reference genome, transcriptome sequencing is offering a rapid approach for crop improvement with promising agronomic traits and stress adaptability. J. Rice 6, 4 (2013). The sequence alignment/map format and SAMtools. PubMed  volume 10, Article number: 19935 (2020) The five agronomic traits were single plant weight per day (SPW/D, in grams/plant/day) = single plant weight/days of maturity, plant height (PH, in centimetres), panicle length (PL, in centimetres), the average number of spikelets per panicle (ANSPP), and 1000-gain weight (TGW, in grams). What is a good Spanish equivalent for "sledgehammer argument"? The mRNA editing ratios of these genes were an average of approximately 0.5 in CY6203 (Supplementary Table S5). The initial product of genome expression is the “transcriptome”, a collection of RNA molecules derived from those genes. They are two very different things. Over-male-parent heterosis (OMPH) and Over-female-parent heterosis (OFPH) of the main agronomic traits and quality traits. SPW/D, single plant weight per day; PH, plant height; PL, panicle length; ANSPP, average number of spikelets per panicle; TGW, 1000-gains weight; HRR, head rice ratio (ratio of head milled rice); L/W, grain length/grain width; AC, amylose content; ASV, alkali spreading value; GC, gel consistency. et al. In contrast, the DEG expression levels of CY6203 in pathways of nitrogen metabolism and carbon fixation were continuously higher than those of its parents in photosynthetic organisms of all three stages, while their increase gradually decreased, especially in charge of carbonic an hydrase [EC:] (LOC_Os01g45274, LOC_Os04g33660, and LOC_Os08g36680) and ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase small chain [EC:] (LOC_Os12g17600, LOC_Os12g19381, and LOC_Os12g19470) (Supplementary Fig. RIdeogram52 was used to visualize and localize the density distribution of different SNP/InDel densities and cloned genes related to yield, quality, and some KEGG pathways in the whole genome. Starting Sample: Genomic DNA is the starting sample of exome sequencing. 40, 2946–2957 (2017). CAS  I like to compare the genome with the cookbook, the transcriptome with your shopping lists, the proteome with your groceries. We performed RNA sequencing and obtained an average of 67,645,949 high-quality clean reads for each of the 45 samples after the removal of rRNA and low-quality reads (Supplementary Table S3).The mean ratio of the high-quality reads mapped to the reference genome was 82.80%, ranging from 77.59 to 86.61%, and an average of 26,344.67 mapped unique genes per sample was identified simultaneously. Yan, M. et al. This has led to the emergence of transcriptome (or RNA) sequencing … Biophys. A … PubMed  Accumulated expression level of cytosolic glutamine synthetase 1 gene (OsGS1; 1 or OsGS1; 2) alter plant development and the carbon-nitrogen metabolic status in rice. These three lines were selected in this study for the measurement of five agronomic traits. Research Real-time DNA and RNA sequencing — … ADS  PubMed  The results showed that a great quantity of mRNA editing phenomena occurred in CY6203 due to its heterozygosity, and most mRNA editing ratios were approximately equal to 0.5. PubMed  6, e251 (2020). Compared with CH3203, there were three single-nucleotide deletions, one single-nucleotide insertion, and one SNP in the OsSSI sequence of C106B. Decontaminating RNA seqs for de novo transcriptome assembly and annotation of novel eukaryotes. PubMed Central  These results indicated that CH3203 and CY106B together contributed to the high yield and good quality of CY6203. LISP)? Therefore, we infer that the coregulation of Gn1a and Gnp4 jointly increases the average number of spikelets per panicle, resulting in the amplified sink of CY6203. PubMed Central  In summary, we systematically analysed the transcriptome and genome profiles from hybrid rice, Chuanyou6203 (CY6203), and its parents by RNA-sequencing and resequencing. ADS  Of the common DEGs, the numbers of upregulated DEGs between CY6203 and CH3203 were all greater than those of upregulated DEGs between CY6203 and C106B in panicles and flag leaves at the booting, flowering, and middle filling stages. These new genomic variation maps will offer a solid genetic basis for expanding the zebrafish mutant database and in-depth investigation into pigmentation of animals. Nucleic Acids Res. 2) Remove the reads containing more than 10% of unknown nucleotides (N). The results showed that there was a high significant difference (p < 0.01) between C106B and CH3203, except for ASV and GC, and a significant difference (p < 0.05) in ASV. Bioinformatics 25, 2078–2079 (2009). There were 1164 (42 + 591 + 95 + 436), 642 (23 + 530 + 19 + 70), 4515 (497 + 3264 + 203 + 551), 2180 (246 + 586 + 355 + 993), and 2615 (135 + 1103 + 161 + 1216) DEGs between CY6203 and C106B, and similarly 7617, 915, 1738, 7742 and 8049 between CY6203 and CH3203 in panicles and flag leaves at the booting, flowering, and middle filling stages, respectively (Fig. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Science 309, 741–745 (2005). Nucleic Acids Res. Natl. The high-quality reads of each parent were aligned to the Nipponbare reference genome MSU RICE GENOME ANNOTATION PROJECT RELEASE 7 (MSU 7), and their mapped ratios were 94.98% and 92.63%. 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